Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

One thing that worked against Solo's first viewing for me was it's low-key finale especially after RO. Not that I would have expected another "Battle of Scarif" or anything but that last fight in Drydon's Study was *so* low-key that I felt it borderlined on anti-climactic. However watching it a second time I found myself really enjoying the ending. There was so much excitement in all the preceding scenes that it was fun to just see Han jumping around a room trying to evade a single combatant.

And I really liked that they didn't give Han any sweet martial arts moves or anything which would have been so wrong for the character and that he pretty much stayed alive by being "slippery" at the end and staying just out of reach when it mattered most.

But man, the music in this film, I found it to be off the charts fantastic. It really elevated every sequence tremendously, even sequences that were already incredibly exciting on their own (like the train heist and Kessel Run.) And when Chewie took over co-piloting duties for the first time and the main SW theme kicked in, has *any* SW film used that theme since Luke and Leia were blasting Stormies right before swinging across the bridge?? :rock

:thud: :D

For me it’s no contest RO definately better than Solo.

RO has too much going for it to lose out to Solo.

We’re talking about Vader/Tarkin/Leia/Death Star/Rebel Fleet/Krennic/K2SO/Sacrificial ending

For me, the low-stakes, personal ending of Solo trumps the badass warfare of RO simply because I am much, much more invested in Han than any of the ROers. I don't think of this as a negative towards RO, simply the inevitable result of living with Han and Chewie for as long as I can remember. Though for my personal taste, the character driven humor in Solo endeared the characters to me more than the dour desperation for most of RO. But even that I'm sure is colored by my preloaded affection.

Solo had an easier time gaining my trust but I still feel honestly RO went a little too hard and fast trying to get me to invest in Jyn. That hologram message from Dad is just too much of an emotional exposition download for my taste. Combined with the inexplicably pointless octopus lie detector, RO bucked a little too hard for this cowpoke.

But I brushed it off and got back in the saddle. :lol
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Rogue One had more exhilarating '**** yeah' moments. I actually can't think of anything in Solo that really made me grin ear to ear but I was persuaded enough that I was watching Han Solo and Chewbacca and that's significant considering both are recasts.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Rogue One had more exhilarating '**** yeah' moments. I actually can't think of anything in Solo that really made me grin ear to ear but I was persuaded enough that I was watching Han Solo and Chewbacca and that's significant considering both are recasts.

I have to hand it to you, as a fellow Irishman, if you grinned more during Rogue One that is TRULY Irish. :lol
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

One thing that worked against Solo's first viewing for me was it's low-key finale especially after RO. Not that I would have expected another "Battle of Scarif" or anything but that last fight in Drydon's Study was *so* low-key that I felt it borderlined on anti-climactic. However watching it a second time I found myself really enjoying the ending. There was so much excitement in all the preceding scenes that it was fun to just see Han jumping around a room trying to evade a single combatant.

And I really liked that they didn't give Han any sweet martial arts moves or anything which would have been so wrong for the character and that he pretty much stayed alive by being "slippery" at the end and staying just out of reach when it mattered most.

But man, the music in this film, I found it to be off the charts fantastic. It really elevated every sequence tremendously, even sequences that were already incredibly exciting on their own (like the train heist and Kessel Run.) And when Chewie took over co-piloting duties for the first time and the main SW theme kicked in, has *any* SW film used that theme since Luke and Leia were blasting Stormies right before swinging across the bridge?? :rock

:thud: :D

I loved the smaller finale.. The film was about Solo not some big War. Thought it was perfect.

I think they have used the theme before .. Luke catching his Saber in the Sail Barge scene is a moment that music is used a lot I believe.

Also.. I freaking loved Woody in this film the more I think about it.

Loved how Woody was what Solo would be if Solo was not the "good Guy"
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

No brainer for me.

A Tarkin/Leia cameo > Old Man Maul with silly robotic legs cameo

Then add Vader and it’s over.

Now had Solo been given a great Fett or bounty hunter gang action scene the odds would’ve certainly improved.

Hell forget Fett how about giving Maul an action scene instead of him just sitting there like a bafoon.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Projectionist lost the unions years ago, and were replaced by computers and teenagers to run them.

Black Panther was almost unwatchable in my theater due to bad set up in the booth. They claimed it was set up according to studio specs. I complained to the manager at the time and they got me free tickets. But I told then if they don’t fix it why would I see it again? It was terrible and anyone with eyes could see the contrast and gamma were way off.

Seeing it on BluRay confirmed it.

Most of the time the calibration os so far out of wack, even if the settings are correct, the film looks awful.

Your paying ALOT of money now for movies...upward of 60.00 for a family of 4.....their only job is to project the film and make it look good....

Heres an interesting article on it.

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I had issues with Black Panther as well, a portion of the screen was very dark and I think I was sitting in just the right place to see it. The view from even 1 seat over had no problems, but I wasn't about to give my Daughter the bad view. Where I am, the tickets alone for IMAX 3D, which is what I saw for both BP and Solo were nearly $18 each! So yeah, with no trip to the concession stand, you're looking at over $70 for the feature. I did complain after BP and got 2 passes, but didn't want to go through the trouble with Solo.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

So the ominous foreshadowing hints taking place with Kira's scenes . . . . . it was just to reveal she was a "baddie" and working for Maul? I felt like the payoff should have been grander here - as in revealing she raised Han's child in poverty and the only way to ensure she and her baby survives was to join Crimson Dawn and give up the child on a destitute planet.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Now had Solo been given a great Fett or bounty hunter gang action scene the odds would’ve certainly improved.

Yep. Challenge to RO, definitely. If only.

Hell, I would have settled for the hollow laugh and holo-reveal of Jabba instead of Maul to help the ending for me. Instead I got a "what, he's canon now" with an added dose of "and he's a crime boss?"....
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

It will be good to see what had become of Maul...he did go renegade and left the Sith behind.

He story is interesting and could lead to the Obi movie, as he is obsessed with killing Obi.

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Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Crazy half-Sith who stills fancies his lightsaber but is a crime boss now... ???

Maul never appeared to be an intellectual or businessman type. He's more of an enforcer. I just don't see him running a syndicate.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Crazy half-Sith who stills fancies his lightsaber but is a crime boss now... ???

Maul never appeared to be an intellectual or businessman type. He's more of an enforcer. I just don't see him running a syndicate.

After he lost his legs he took some night courses at Corellia Community College.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Maybe we'll get a standalone Maul movie that takes place after TPM, where Maul, with the help of a plucky Rodian nurse, has to learn to overcome his new handicap, and learn to love again.

Part 2 can be Darth Maul : Paper Chase, where Maul, with help of a plucky teachers assistant, has to contend with being the oldest student in college and learn to love again.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

After he lost his legs he took some night courses at Corellia Community College.


He'd have to. Makes no sense otherwise.

Maybe Maul should have mentioned that he's just the enforcer for his new boss.... Jabba the Hutt. Then I'd be OK with it. Like Maul kind of wrangles up a certain group of criminals. Shakes them down on their jobs.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

It's faint but as Maul falls down the Villain Death Shaft you can hear him mutter, "should have...stayed in...schoooooolllllll....."
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I love it when a mod is able to restore sanity to a thread. I may go see SOLO for a third time to celebrate!
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I do think because Solo had fewer characters it was able to devote more time to flesh them out better than the 1,500 characters in RO.

RO is just the better spectacle.

Are they really going to show Maul walking like Grievous in a future movie :lol

Didn’t he break his neck in that 500 foot fall......while cut in half lol
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Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Naboo is powered by marshmallows. He landed safely and actually had to laugh at himself.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I do think because Solo had fewer characters it was able to devote more time to flesh them out better than the 1,500 characters in RO.

RO is just the better spectacle.

Are they really going to show Maul walking like Grievous in a future movie :lol

Didn’t he break his neck in that 500 fall......while cut in half lol

It's Star Wars, every lapse in credibility can be explained with "the force!"

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