I'm new to displaying statues and I've driven myself crazy the past hour prowling the internet. I'm looking for a good case to display my Carnage https://www.sideshowtoy.com/collectibles/product-archive/?sku=200032 and the cases on Sideshow are too small. Whenever I scroll through forums and find cool things from Ikea such as this black cabinet four posts down: https://www.statueforum.com/showthread.php?t=123538&highlight=display+case it turns out Ikea doesn't sell it anymore.
I thought it would be a simple thing to find a nice case for something but it's not. Anyone have any suggestions on how to display my Carnage? If you suggest building one myself can you give me instructions lol. I'm not very savvy with that kind of thing.
I thought it would be a simple thing to find a nice case for something but it's not. Anyone have any suggestions on how to display my Carnage? If you suggest building one myself can you give me instructions lol. I'm not very savvy with that kind of thing.