Dang Dude I am just impressed with the write up of the event! Sounds like it was awesome!!! I'm jealous! Can't wait to see my prints. How were the other prints at the event? Any others strike you that you thought maybe wouldn't?
Thanks again for your help!
o yeah from the sounds of it I will guess 3,445,911 pounds sterling!
Great write-up, I was lucky enough to be there too. Had and excellent weekend, just want it to all happen again soon!
I was working on the Palitoy Archive (on Level 2 near the Collector Panels) which was great fun. Because of that I got to chat with Steve Sansweet (he even gave me his card!), great guy. He even came back especially to sign some of our stuff. My highlight though was bumping into Simon Pegg and getting his auto, massive fan of his.
We stayed behind on the Sunday to pack up the Archive, left about 10 in the end by which time most people had cleared out. The snowspeeder was already in pieces You wouldn't believe how quickly that place came apart.