SooSooToys 1/6 Cajun Card Dealer (Gambit)

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That right there is why I get bewildered when people get so tight-gripped about the "classic look". Classic doesn't necessarily mean better. Accept change and evolution.

I respectfully disagree.

If the change quite frankly sucks, then I'd rather not evolve and carry on until it's a change that doesn't suck.

I'm not tight gripped about the classic look. I respect the classic look, design, etc., but am receptive to evolving looks that pays respect to the original source material provided it's done right and tastefully.

I respectfully disagree.

If the change quite frankly sucks, then I'd rather not evolve and carry on until it's a change that doesn't suck.

I'm not tight gripped about the classic look. I respect the classic look, design, etc., but am receptive to evolving looks that pays respect to the original source material provided it's done right and tastefully.
Fair enough - people like what they like and want what they want...even if it's imbued with fuschia....
Nice work @actionfiguremovies :clap

I might've asked you this before, but is your Astonishing Wolverine on the M34 or M35? Looks really good. I keep toying with the idea of switching my SS Wolverine over to one of those, just haven't decided which of the two to choose
I went with the M35. I liked the bigger thighs. They fill out the suit a little bit better. My original bash of Wolverine was a M34 and I felt the highs could have been bigger. I also swap out the cartoony feet on bot of my Wolverines.
I went with the M35. I liked the bigger thighs. They fill out the suit a little bit better. My original bash of Wolverine was a M34 and I felt the highs could have been bigger. I also swap out the cartoony feet on bot of my Wolverines.
Cool! thank you so much for the info! You and @onethousandmasks the go-to people when it comes to these TBleague/Phicen body swaps.
Hey guys,

So this figure arrived already. I’m so glad I caved and bought it bk I am extremely happy with him. Thank you to matticus for being the ultimate enabler (just kidding). Your logic for picking this up was strong and made perfect sense.

So anyway here are a bunch of my mediocre iPhone pics. Take my word for it he does look better in hand …


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Hey guys,

So this figure arrived already. I’m so glad I caved and bought it bk I am extremely happy with him. Thank you to matticus for being the ultimate enabler (just kidding). Your logic for picking this up was strong and made perfect sense.

So anyway here are a bunch of my mediocre iPhone pics. Take my word for it he does look better in hand …
Got the order in just in time it sounds like!

Love me some Gambit.


Need more X-Men in this type of quality, just could use some better drilled holes in the hands. Wolverine, Cyclops and Storm would be at the top of my list, TAS/Jim Lee inspired of course. Sounds like Rogue is next on the list however.
This guy looks fantastic! He doesn't fit in my collection (I'm not into X-Men and don't have any comic based figures) but for those that snagged him congrats!
Probably my favourite 1/6 scale figure not made by HT, it's that damn good.

The sculpt and tailoring is exceptional, he has a great range of accessories but what really impressed me is how sturdy he is when posed. Even many official releases struggle not to tip over in fairly static poses so it's nice not to have those worries with this figure.

Changing hands was tricky and it was the first time I've had to apply heat to a figure's hands. I didn't take the reviewers seriously until I spend 10 minutes trying in vain to get an effect piece on. Since no one in my household seems to have a hair dryer I just held the effect piece and hand near a bathroom fan heater for about 20 seconds and it worked fine.

I really hope Soosoo Toys makes at least a Cyclops, Magneto and Wolverine as well as Rogue.
still waiting for mine. it was handed over to carrier / left for destination on 1/22... 11 days in transit with no update yet after 1/22. :(
still waiting for mine. it was handed over to carrier / left for destination on 1/22... 11 days in transit with no update yet after 1/22. :(
Did you get yours form KGhobby?
I have the exact same tracking info. Ours must shipped at the same time, but I think we just missed the boat on getting it early
as it probably got stuck on Chinese New Year limbo.
I was hoping somehow it slipped by it.
Mine was suppose to be delivered last week. Sat in USPS limbo hell for awhile. He's now scheduled for delivery today.
still waiting for mine. it was handed over to carrier / left for destination on 1/22... 11 days in transit with no update yet after 1/22. :(
Did you get yours form KGhobby?
I have the exact same tracking info. Ours must shipped at the same time, but I think we just missed the boat on getting it early
as it probably got stuck on Chinese New Year limbo.
I was hoping somehow it slipped by it.
I'm in the same exact situation with you least we've got each other's company then! :lol
For those of you who ordered it and presumably shipped from <INSERT VENDOR NAME HERE> located in China/Hong Kong, read the following posted by a known and respected vendor.


So I heard a new term “Pre-book shipment” as excuse from store that generate a tracking number but never dispatch it to post office/courier

If the tracking code isn’t activated or shows “Sender preparing shipment” that 100% meaning the store never dispatch the package, so don’t be fooled!

It doesn’t make any sense to me that people paying addition shipping cost for expediting shipping but then it takes days or weeks to ship

At Onesixthkit we always ship within 24 hours in weekdays, when we say your order is shipped or being shipped it will arrive in courier’s hand within 24-48 hours

I am too stingy to pay someone a hot toys to speak for us, so I am doing it myself