Soosootoys Watchmen (2009) line - news and group shots

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I guess they must be releasing Nite Owl after and then finishing with Silk Spectre II possibly?
I’m aware of the complaints about a few of their female figures so perhaps she’ll be last to give us a good of a product/character design as ever🤞🏻
I imagine SSII has the most difficult outfit to get right since it was so skin tight and HT's looked awful. Hoping she also has a better sculpt than their previous females and she actually looks like the actress and doesn't have the "dead eyed, souless void" expression lol
Yeah, the HT version of Silk Spectre aka Laurie Jupiter looked pretty bad. Honestly, so did Comedian. But that was a different era for HT. At least going by photos and videos I’ve seen. Sometimes in-hand is much better. But anyway, all three of the Soosoo Watchmen releases thus far look excellent. I think Laurie is actually probably their biggest challenge.
He looks really good, though doesn't look to come with the younger sculpt or flamethrower like I think was mentioned awhile back by one of our members that was in talks with SooSoo
He looks really good, though doesn't look to come with the younger sculpt or flamethrower like I think was mentioned awhile back by one of our members that was in talks with SooSoo
It would be great to have the younger head sculpt! The photos look great, I believe we are expecting shipments by September.
He looks great - brilliant details and quality throughout, especially his pistols.

So when will the pre-order drop for Dr Manhattan? I heard it was supposed to be last month, possibly this month…
Is there a reliable source for Hermann/Rorschach other than Comic Sanctorum? Kind of slept on the figure and now would like to get it.
Is there a reliable source for Hermann/Rorschach other than Comic Sanctorum? Kind of slept on the figure and now would like to get it.

I don’t see Rorschach (“Hermann”) on either Giantoy or TNS figures which are my main go-tos for 3rd party figures. But I do see it on NeoGeek: Soosoo Toys 1/6 SST027 Hermann | NeoGeek Toys I’ve ordered from NeoGeek once and it went fine.
I wish, but I’m not seeing anything on the Soosoo Fans FB group. Just that it’s in the pipeline.

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