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Agreed. But it should rest between them, meaning we shouldn't have to read about them and all the little tacky Howes skidmarks people make along the way.

Well, I agree, I hate the general tone of the site caused by the Howes thing, but it's a mess not easily dealt with or cleaned up. Believe me, we're trying best to handle it.
Agreed. But it should rest between them, meaning we shouldn't have to read about them and all the little tacky Howes skidmarks people make along the way.

And I deserve more then a public announcement that he's reforming himself after I've sent him 6 messages he hasn't responded to, or two posts in the other Batman thread about how he needed to contact me which he also didn't respond to.

He started this thread for everyone with an order, not just your Indy jacket or whatever. I am letting him know, in what I can only hope will be a thread he will surely check, that I am not waiting any longer.
This thread's fine Deckard, you're in the right posting here, Nam's talking more about how any thread where any of these items are brought up, big hoopla's about things ensue and roll. When there's a dedicated thread like this, it's best, and most productive to post here, taking cracks in other threads just to be cool or because you're bitter (and I don't mean you specifically, using the word "you" generically here) is another matter. People in other threads shouldn't have to sift through grievances of people that are off topic when there's usually a place to centrally post those grievances and especially because a thread by a customizer is the best place to get their attention than a generic thread where they may not visit it.

Posting in other threads the way some people do does nothing but give them a chance to express their frustrations, which aren't in the wrong, but, basically they should follow the old saying, time and place, this is the right place, other threads are not.
This thread's fine Deckard, you're in the right posting here, Nam's talking more about how any thread where any of these items are brought up, big hoopla's about things ensue and roll. When there's a dedicated thread like this, it's best, and most productive to post here, taking cracks in other threads just to be cool or because you're bitter (and I don't mean you specifically, using the word "you" generically here) is another matter. People in other threads shouldn't have to sift through grievances of people that are off topic when there's usually a place to centrally post those grievances and especially because a thread by a customizer is the best place to get their attention than a generic thread where they may not visit it.

Posting in other threads the way some people do does nothing but give them a chance to express their frustrations, which aren't in the wrong, but, basically they should follow the old saying, time and place, this is the right place, other threads are not.

Okay smart guy, you totally missed the point of my post. WTF do you call this?

no replies yet? getting that Howes feeling?
Okay smart guy, you totally missed the point of my post. WTF do you call this?

I thought your main point was the taking jabs elsewhere on the forum, that can be controlled.

Comments like that one you quoted are just how it is now, anytime there's a communication breakdown with a seller at this site now, it's going to be called another Howes incident, he was the first and it's bound to be said. However, some people may be saying them just to say them with no business doing so, meaning they're not doing business with the person being questioned but they see a window to make a smart remark, but unfortunately, we don't know who is or isn't a customer to discern who's just being a smartass and who's got a legitimate concern.

Best we can do is keep it limited to these customizer threads and out of the other ones, but in customizer's threads, the only reason people may ever make those comments are because the customizer is going down the dark road Howes went, if they don't want those comments made, they should make an effort to avoid Howes' mistakes. Like I said, before, simple lessons are communication and being cautious about what you tell people you're going to do.

However, the people that drop the Howes type comments in threads where it's an out of context jab for the sake of making a jab, that's wrong.
I thought your main point was the taking jabs elsewhere on the forum, that can be controlled.

Comments like that one you quoted are just how it is now, anytime there's a communication breakdown with a seller at this site now, it's going to be called another Howes incident, he was the first and it's bound to be said. However, some people may be saying them just to say them with no business doing so, meaning they're not doing business with the person being questioned but they see a window to make a smart remark, but unfortunately, we don't know who is or isn't a customer to discern who's just being a smartass and who's got a legitimate concern.

Best we can do is keep it limited to these customizer threads and out of the other ones, but in customizer's threads, the only reason people may ever make those comments are because the customizer is going down the dark road Howes went, if they don't want those comments made, they should make an effort to avoid Howes' mistakes. Like I said, before, simple lessons are communication and being cautious about what you tell people you're going to do.

However, the people that drop the Howes type comments in threads where it's an out of context jab for the sake of making a jab, that's wrong.

Well, there are also a few Howes jabs in the Indy Customs thread. Despite that, I think it's a cheap, cowardly and unwarranted remark basically calling the customizer a thief and a liar. Please have Jedibear or whoever has the power, move this thread where it actually belongs.
Well, there are also a few Howes jabs in the Indy Customs thread. Despite that, I think it's a cheap, cowardly and unwarranted remark basically calling the customizer a thief and a liar. Please have Jedibear or whoever has the power, move this thread where it actually belongs.


Already got the wheels in motion to move this.

And yes, the cheap shots are uncalled for, the ones that are well-worded and thought out, but simply concerned, are justified. Like I said, sucky as it is, Howes changed the way things have to be handled around here and as a seller, you either have to accept the way things go now, or not do business here. People want communication, even if it takes a while to get stuff, communication to put them at ease as to what's going on with their money and stuff is better than being left in the dark because now the assumption is, if someone stops talking to you, they're probably running too. It's not fair, but that's why I say, there needs to be adaptation. Right or wrong, if you lose contact with folks at this site now, they're going to assume you're running like they do with Howes, so if you don't want them thinking that, keep up the communication.
Well I understand the frustration...
I placed an order with Shawn and he PMed me telling me items were done an ready to ship... that was the First week of June...
I've e-mailed him and PM'ed him... and not a single response...
I know a lot of people have done business with him successfully, but the lack of followup is frustrating...

EDIT: Exactly what MaulFan said...
I have two batmans and two sets of arm sleeves on order from Shawn for about five months now. I know he's redoing the keaton heads because of some negative comments posted on the boards about the previous sculpts, and it upset him. I have emailed him three times without reply, and I am getting a little annoyed that he doesn't reply.


I also get the impression that Shawn is a perfectionist and he's wants the to make the very best products he can for people, even if it means long delays.
Shawn if you are reading this, I have faith in you, don't let the ^^^^ty comments get you down.


Already got the wheels in motion to move this.

And yes, the cheap shots are uncalled for, the ones that are well-worded and thought out, but simply concerned, are justified. Like I said, sucky as it is, Howes changed the way things have to be handled around here and as a seller, you either have to accept the way things go now, or not do business here. People want communication, even if it takes a while to get stuff, communication to put them at ease as to what's going on with their money and stuff is better than being left in the dark because now the assumption is, if someone stops talking to you, they're probably running too. It's not fair, but that's why I say, there needs to be adaptation. Right or wrong, if you lose contact with folks at this site now, they're going to assume you're running like they do with Howes, so if you don't want them thinking that, keep up the communication.

I couldn't imagine explaining a new business plan and potentially having personal issues get in the way, being bent at myself for letting things get behind and then have to talk to a douche who's calling me a thief and a liar. Honestly, I'd rather ignore him.

As far as communication goes, you have a customizer who, just 17 days ago, started a thread to update customers on what's happening. Yet, people are more than ready to light the torches rather than actually follow the instructions provided and wait until they get a reply. Some aren't even waiting a day! :lol
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still no skins and still no response to emails from shawn. ordered in january. has anyone else received these recently? APPARENTLY they were ready to ship in may or something. since then, no news. i just want to know if something's lost somewhere.

i can count the customizers that have come through for me on the fingers of my left hand. and that's the hand that was involved in a shocking masturbation/woodchipper incident several years ago.
still no skins and still no response to emails from shawn. ordered in january. has anyone else received these recently? APPARENTLY they were ready to ship in may or something. since then, no news. i just want to know if something's lost somewhere.

i can count the customizers that have come through for me on the fingers of my left hand. and that's the hand that was involved in a shocking masturbation/woodchipper incident several years ago.

thats crazy. I actually ordered a set a couple months ago and received them only days latter and then about another month and a half ago I ordered a set and got them about a week latter.
I have had nothing but good business from Shawn. Only one time years ago he was a bit slow to the draw but he did in fact come through.
I waited a long time for a Keaton Batman but I got it eventually...He will come through...I agree on the updates tho...He asks to send an email and then to get no reply can get people a little pissed off...I sent an email about a week or so ago now and no email here...waiting on my MAXIMUS!!!

It will show up one day out of the blue
I waited a long time for a Keaton Batman but I got it eventually...He will come through...I agree on the updates tho...He asks to send an email and then to get no reply can get people a little pissed off...I sent an email about a week or so ago now and no email here...waiting on my MAXIMUS!!!

It will show up one day out of the blue

Maybe you can contact him through Ebay. I believe he just listed a Maximus there.
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