Already got the wheels in motion to move this.
And yes, the cheap shots are uncalled for, the ones that are well-worded and thought out, but simply concerned, are justified. Like I said, sucky as it is, Howes changed the way things have to be handled around here and as a seller, you either have to accept the way things go now, or not do business here. People want communication, even if it takes a while to get stuff, communication to put them at ease as to what's going on with their money and stuff is better than being left in the dark because now the assumption is, if someone stops talking to you, they're probably running too. It's not fair, but that's why I say, there needs to be adaptation. Right or wrong, if you lose contact with folks at this site now, they're going to assume you're running like they do with Howes, so if you don't want them thinking that, keep up the communication.