Five or six orders went out on Friday; Indy and Terminator jackets. Some skins, too. Most of those orders had a combination of all three of those things. DECKARD... I'm on your Keaton right now. Again, man; really sorry about whole thing we talked about. GRUFFOLDBEAR... Scarecrow stuff is done. MURDEROFCROWS71, too. JEFFTVR... about 80% on yours. INDIANAFETT... look for yours next week. JEDIMIKE... replied to your email.
I know it looks like things have slowed to a trickle again, but I'm on this stuff, guys; really. I think it's the way I've been doing the runs that's slowing things down, I'm gonna have to change that. I've been casting and fabricating parts for EVERYTHING kinda all together and working on several orders all at once; kinda like having an on-hand parts inventory to try and speed up production. I'm gonna quit doing that and just go back to focusing on one or two orders at a time so I don't have stuff sitting around in flux all over the place.
I keep getting emails about my site, too.... it's back up but still a WIP: