Origins Kurgan Crusader
For those of you wanting to order skins, hang in there. I need to make new molds.
Assume that applies to existing orders on skins as well Shawn ?
For those of you wanting to order skins, hang in there. I need to make new molds.
Assume that applies to existing orders on skins as well Shawn ?
Pm sent. Thanks.
Morbo, your box was posted. Should have that soon. Obsolete man, your whip isn't on my spreadsheet, I didn't know I owed you one. PM me your address, I'll get that out this week.
I don't have a "rock star" mentality. Not that I'm aware of, anyway. I'm just trying to get this backlog out and keep up with new stuff at the same time to avoid that stuff becoming a new backlog. Will NOT let that crap happen again. Thanks to all who are still inhumanly patient, and to those still ordering. To those who've said they'll never buy from me again, sorry I screwed that up. It's a stain I'll have to wear, I suppose. For those of you wanting to order skins, hang in there. I need to make new molds.
I don't think he has a rock star thing going. That was Howes. Shawn is behind(way behind) but is puting out work. As long as he is taking on new orders he will be behind but it's understandable that he needs to eat and pay bills. It has kept me from making other orders due to that and I think he knows that is the feeling of many here. Still his work is awesome.
Thanks for the update, Shawn. I look forward to getting some TT skins from you at some point. Just let us know when the new molds and skins have been poured.
On a side note- where did your web site go?
Payment sent on a indy jacket! Let me know u got it please.
Obsolete Man, your whip is going out today. Gonna do that after I fetch my boy from school.