Spartacus on Starz (spoilers for US aired episodes!)

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Re: Spartacus Blood and Sand

Hell friggin yea. That scene was amazing and glad Crixius is stepping up even more.

Also loved when they revealed who Oenomaus. That was badass because if you know history you knew he joined with Spartacus so that made the scene all that much better.

So its Doctore right??
Re: Spartacus Blood and Sand

Finally got around to watching it last night. A thoroughly enjoyable finale, although it raises the question of how they'll set up the next season. Pretty much every single non-slave Roman we've seen up to date was slaughtered, leaving only the Legatus, his wife and Asher to antagonize Spartacus. In a way, it almost felt as though the producers weren't 100% certain they'd get a second season, so they tied off as many loose ends as possible in this finale.

It's a pity, too, as I felt there were some storylines in there that could have been expanded beyond a single episode or two; Varro's wife's revenge being a perfect example. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wished they had drawn these revenge tales out a little longer, as revenge is a tasty dish that should be savoured slowly (in addition to being served cold).

All that said, count me in for season 2! :rock
Re: Spartacus Blood and Sand

Oh...there are a few Roman generals left to antagonize Spartacus...:lol

I do think history dictates that it will be a little less personal in the second season, but there should be enough drama.
Re: Spartacus Blood and Sand

So its Doctore right??

Hell frigging yea!!!

Also there is an article linked on imdb about season 2. They are still planning on a Season 2. It is written already but waiting to shoot once Andy recovers. But the interesting part is they might be doing a prequel season before the offical season 2 to make use of the current actors and sets.
Re: Spartacus Blood and Sand

Spartacus without Spartacus? Actually wouldn't be too bad...I guess it would focus on the ludus, Crixus and Doctore and Batiatus. Perhaps bring back a few of the actors killed off early in the season.

Lucy Lawless and John Hannah would need to be on board. IMO John Hannah was a huge part of this show, he will be missed.

They better find a brilliant actor to play Crassus in season 2 to make up for the loss of Hannah.
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Re: Spartacus Blood and Sand

Spartacus without Spartacus? Actually wouldn't be too bad...I guess it would focus on the ludus, Crixus and Doctore and Batiatus. Perhaps bring back a few of the actors killed off early in the season.

Lucy Lawless and John Hannah would need to be on board.

I think that is what they are kind of thinking. They did mention that they might cast a younger Spartacus. Now that I am not on my phone I can link the article.
Re: Spartacus Blood and Sand

Thanks. I am not sure a young Spartacus is necessary, but not really opposed to it either.
Re: Spartacus Blood and Sand

Thanks. I am not sure a young Spartacus is necessary, but not really opposed to it either.

Yea I basically thought the same thing. Just as long as we are getting more of this show I will be happy. Whatever they need to do to make sure a true Season 2 is done.
Re: Spartacus Blood and Sand

its really sad Andy Whitfield (guy who plays sprtacus) getting non-Hodgkins Lymphoma but could they not sort out the other scenes that he is not in, like the Crixus and Doctore stuff
Re: Spartacus Blood and Sand

I caught episode ten of this and can't believe that I missed this show so I downloaded the entire first season-- I just watched the season finale this evening (so I can finally read this thread)-- wow... Great show. One of the best shows on tv... Can't wait for season two...
Re: Spartacus Blood and Sand

Finishing up watching this via Netflix through the 360 and this show is like crack for men...couldn't stop watching it. I WANT MORE!!
Re: Spartacus Blood and Sand

Just started watching this - Holy crap! :rock :rock This f'n rocks.
Re: Spartacus Blood and Sand

And now I just finished it. Saw the whole season today. :lol I couldn't stop - can't wait for season 2. :rock
Re: Spartacus Blood and Sand

Finishing up watching this via Netflix through the 360 and this show is like crack for men...couldn't stop watching it. I WANT MORE!!

And now I just finished it. Saw the whole season today. :lol I couldn't stop - can't wait for season 2. :rock

I change my statement to:

"this show is like crack for men AND women...couldn't stop watching it."
Re: Spartacus Blood and Sand

I change my statement to:

"this show is like crack for men AND women...couldn't stop watching it."

It is like crack and I want another fix. :lol

I started a thread about it a day or two ago. Check it out, you might like it!

After googling it and seeing some stuff on youtube, I do remember hearing about it. Looks pretty funny. I'm sure I will check it out once I finish with Mad Men. :)