We got him already. The Wobani trooper in the back of the transport in Rogue One
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So far, I want: Range Trooper, Mud Trooper, Patrol Trooper, Mimban Stormtrooper.
After the shambles that was TLJ I'll be seeing the film before I pre-order anything from HT's / SSC but I am hopeful this will be OK.
yeah I think we're all hopeful this is going to be good. If not, Disneys got some issues.
Just concerning considering they required acting coaches and a totally new director . . . . my hope is both were related and the Lego directors just couldn't get the best out of the main actor(s) and that's why they were changed.
Looking at the designs etc and hoping the story is good then we have the potential for another RO and that'll do fine for me.
Like you say though, if not Disney have some major issues.
My thoughts exactlyThis Mud trooper tells us that Veers is not far away from us...