Super Freak
I may really struggle not to get figures from this movie. I mean Chewie with goggles is pretty damn awesome !!

Trailer looks great too!

I may really struggle not to get figures from this movie. I mean Chewie with goggles is pretty damn awesome !!
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Not sure if this is official but if this is how they look, I want this figure bad.
I guess this could be similar to what characters HT could make, plus the Mud Trooper (cause he's mega cool).
Although it's interesting. Like Rogue One, Solo is in a position coming off a previous film where HT may have had a bad experience. (TFA too many figures made, TLJ no body wanted them). So they may be cautious.
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My wallet ran off after it saw the trailer. If HT goes deep it could get expensive here.
4 new troopers
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I’d say Han, Lando, chewy, and maybe the three troopers-range, mud, and mimban.
I’d say Han, Lando, chewy, and maybe the three troopers-range, mud, and mimban.