Spider-Man 4, 5 and 6 Confirmed

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The Mike said:
The Lizard is a no brainer....its been prepped since the 2nd movie while I think villains like Shocker and Rhino will be downgraded to sidekicks....call it a hunch. I think if 6 happens to be the last film they should go Sinister Six. Not the fake one where you add Venom and such but the original Sinister Six...their getting together are already a film synopsis...

"After suffering three defeats in a row from the wall crawler, Doc Ock realised he required assistance from others in order to defeat Spider-Man. He got in touch with every known supervillain Spider-Man had crossed paths with and only five responded: The airborne assassin Vulture, the electrifying Electro, wild Kraven the Hunter, illusion master Mysterio and the dangerous Sandman. Knowing he'd never be able to keep the team together for long, Doctor Octopus quickly formulated a battle plan that would give each of the villains personal glory and Spider-Man an early death. Each individual member of the Sinister Six would battle Spider-Man in a carefully chosen location, until the point where the wall-crawler was no more."

Make it so!

:rock I have a feeling though that they would change who is in the Sinister Six though. They just have to stop killing off the bad guys. Spidey never really killed anyone. Doc Ock could be brought back easily enough since they didn't bury him like Norman. As long as Sandman doesn't bite the dust (pun intended) than there is a 1/3 of the Original six. That would be a fantastic series ender!
I think they'll change the line up for the Sinister Six if they ended up doing them in one of the movies.

Everytime the Six has turned up the line up's always ended up being a little bit different.

Rhino and Shocker and Scorpion were added in the Animated series, but weren't part of the original six in the comic books.

In Ultimate Spider-Man the six didn't even have six supervillains, as they used Spider-Man to make up their sixth team member.

So I think it's a given they'd change the line up again for the movies, maybe bringing back Doc Ock and Sandman and using new villains for the rest.
I have my heart set on another Spider-Man villain that could be working behind the scenes recruiting villains and bringing back dead ones like Doc Ock and the Green Goblin. Of course I am referring to Wilson Fisk, aka
The Kingpin.

With Kingpin thrown into the fold, even if it is still Michael Clarke Duncan, it would set up many possiblities, like a Daredevil crossover. I know it is not true in the Ultimate Universe but in the regular series Spidey and Horn-head are good friends.
What am I saying, not only would introducing Kingpin open the door for a Spidey/Daredevil movie but maybe a Punisher crossover.

What if, to clear his name of past transgressions, the Punisher heads to New York to try and take down Spider-Man?
What if Spidey's next villain is the Lizard but in the meantime Peter finds that his own mutation into Spider-Man is not complete and he grows 2 extra arms then it culminates with him becoming the Man-Spider! The only person that can cure Spidey would be the genius Reed Richards, the Fantastic Four would get involved. How cool would that be?
We could call it:
The Neogenic Nightmare

The possiblities are endless. This series could last at least 3 more movies.

Oh, yeah, all of these ideas are original and mine alone, patent pending. Sam Raimi, if you are reading this thread, PATENT PENDING!!
One thing I forgot yet I am sure everyone here has throught about: since they will introduce the character in Spider-Man 3, one of the future Spidey films would have to be

The Death of Gwen Stacy

Not bad, not bad at all.
I always assumed that Venom would be in the last half hour as an appetizer, sort of a preview of coming attractions, and then he would be the main baddie in four. It hadn't occured to me until I read this thread that if they hadn't planned to do another one, they may have Spidey defeat him or something. That would suck as he definitly needs a movie of his own I think.
piccolodaimaoh said:
The Death of Gwen Stacy.

I haven't seen the third movie, so I comment on that, but I'd imagine they are too far along in Peter and MJ's relationship to have Gwen's death have any sort of dramatic impact. I'd rather they just didn't introduce Gwen at all because I don't see how they could do that story any justice. I'm willing to be proven wrong though.
The ideal solution from my point of view would've been to introduce and build up Peter's relationship with Gwen in the first two movies.

Then if the actress playing Gwen became tired of being attached to the franchise like Dunst appears to have, they could've killed her off and brought in the character of MJ and that wouldn't really have hurt the comic book continuity all that much.

Now they have to find another MJ, maybe if Dunst does leave after the third film, they could do a film with Felicia Hardy or Debra Whitman and then have Mary Jane return as a new actress a couple of movies down the line.
So far, some of the reviews have said there is a 'cliffhanger ending'. SO a 4th is more than likly in the works.
I really hope the cast and Sam Raimi tag together for them all, we are coming to a point where long running movie franchises seem to be sprouting once again with the same casts returning...much like the Bond series (though they changed Bond's actor, most of those guys did 3+ Bond movies).

I just hope that the studios involved take their time and put the resources and talent continually in place so the series doesn't end up blowing itself up much like BATMAN did and also like the original SUPERMAN series.
I'd actually prefer that Dunst DIDN'T return. She's absolutely horrible (and she even looks like crud in the films, imho).
What Rami recently had to say about a 4th Spidey.

Movies.com said:
The biggest questions surrounding a fourth Spider-Man adventure usually revolve around the return of Tobey Maguire, who most recently has softened his stance on future sequels. But now the man in doubt seems to be director Sam Raimi — who's just confirmed that he's got his eye on the Hobbit prequel. Raimi had been tagged as New Line's top choice as Peter Jackson's replacement after the studio's very public brouhaha with the Oscar-ed Lord of the Rings director erupted. "If Peter didn't want to do it," Raimi tells EW, and (New Line exec Bob Shaye) wanted me to do it — and they were both OK with me picking up the reins — that would be great. I love the book." The Hobbit production would be a long one, however, which brings up the question of how Sony would proceed with Spidey 4: delay it, or replace Raimi? Meanwhile, Kirsten Dunst says she was unaware Raimi was even considering The Hobbit and that she can't see Spidey 4 moving forward without the whole team intact. "Audiences aren't stupid," she opines. "It'd be a big flop without me, Tobey or Sam." Well, without Tobey and Sam, anyway
Kabukiman said:
I haven't seen the third movie, so I comment on that, but I'd imagine they are too far along in Peter and MJ's relationship to have Gwen's death have any sort of dramatic impact. I'd rather they just didn't introduce Gwen at all because I don't see how they could do that story any justice. I'm willing to be proven wrong though.
They could always kill of Mary Jane and make Gwen Stacey be the love of his life. Do it like the comics, just switch the two ladies.
Agent0028 said:
They could always kill of Mary Jane and make Gwen Stacey be the love of his life. Do it like the comics, just switch the two ladies.

That is how it was supposed to be in the comics, but Stan Lee took a vacation and came back to the death of Gwen Stacy and then the Green Goblin the next month or so. He claims he hasn't taken a vacation since :lol
I too thought they might do that.
Okay, how about this:

In Spider-Man 3 Peter's turn to "the Dark Side" forces Mary Jane to question if she can really be with someone like Peter Parker who has a double life. She realizes that she does not want to share Peter with Spider-Man, it is too much for her fragile psyche. Since MJ came from an abusive household she is scared that her relationship with Peter might also turn bad so she ends there courtship in part 4 leading to Gwen Stacy picking up the pieces and Peter forming a bond with Gwen.

By the end of Spidey 4 Peter and Gwen share an intimate kiss, Peter thinks this is great because this relationship is not as complicated as the one with MJ.

Spidey 5 has everything going great, Peter thinks he is ready to take the next step with Gwen and out of nowhere something tragic rocks Peter/Spidey's world. The Death of Gwen Stacy.

Spidey 6 has Peter not knowing were to turn from the death of Gwen. MJ and Peter get back together, MJ has learned to deal with Peter's duel identity and Peter has learned to love again. The movie ends with Peter and MJ getting married, maybe a big super-hero battle involving all of Spidey's villains versus the Fantastic 4, Daredevil, Punisher, the X-Men and any other heroes who might want cameos.

The series ends at 6 movies, Peter and MJ ride off into the sunset happy and content.
The End...Patent Pending.

Unless they want to make 7, 8 and 9
i think there is more of the story to tell. i'm not sure if venom dies in the movie but i think the comic book has eddie brock getting put in jail with a bit of the symbiote attached. it transfers to his cellmate and carnage emerges, even badder than venom. hope hope hope!
I say let Raimi and company make six or nine Spider-Man movies as long as it isn't over kill.. and by over kill, not just pumping out something for the pure sake of making money and not caring about the quality of the product.

Although I have to say with every passing Spider-Man sequel, or any sequel in general for that matter, is rather off putting to me. I like original films. I am getting tired of all these remakes and sequels being shoved down our respective throats. But if we must be victims to the onslaught of sequels and remakes, make them good atleast.