Don’t expect anything huge . It would be to spoilery lol. Wait scratch that. They could reveal the green goblin or ockI'm sure it will end up in disappointment, but I am eager to keep an eye on HT FB tonight for a reveal. Would be nice to get something to kick the week off to start rolling out the good stuff from NWH.
Yes it was so emotional seeing this Peter grow from being a wide eyed boy who relied on people to a guy who has to make it on his ownSpoilers Ahead Stay Away Fools why are you here beat it loo
Just finished 2nd.
I absolutely love this freaking movie even more now!
The pacing is brilliant.
After May’s death when MCU Parker first meets the other 2 PP he was actually determined to press the button on the box.
It was Tobey Spiderman who convinced him not to do it!
It then dawned on me that no matter what Spiderman is destined to lose his guardians be they Stark, Uncle Ben or Aunt May!
But it was the wiser older Tobey Spiderman who was seeking a way to honor their great responsibility via the great power that comes from uniting 3 Spiderman.
ONE Spiderman can battle villains BUT
ONLY 3 can actually prove JJJ wrong and heal their enemies!
Peter finally become a man.
Yes it was so emotional seeing this Peter grow from being a wide eyed boy who relied on people to a guy who has to make it on his own
Can I get teary-eyed? Cause I did.You didn't cry, did you? Oh dear.
The lady in front of me was crying.
By the way, Edge of Tomorrow had the same ending, but better.
I didn’t cry but my eyes got watery during certain scenes .You didn't cry, did you? Oh dear.
The lady in front of me was crying.
By the way, Edge of Tomorrow had the same ending, but better.
I didn’t cry but my eyes got watery during certain scenes .
Can I get teary-eyed? Cause I did.
Your soul.Did I miss something?
Well if you're not a Spidey fan this isn't your cup of tea. A lot of plots and characters going on so it's not streamlined. It feels so Endgame and whatever you felt about that you would probably feel about this one.It reminds me of Matrix Reloaded.
Blah blah blah
Big action set piece (Dock Ock)
Blah blah blah
Meh action set piece (Elecktro)
More blah blah blah...
Really big action set piece (Dr. Strange)
BOOOOOOOOORING......talki talki
Very good action sequence (Goblin)
Tobey and Garfield arrive....blah balh blah
Messy final battle in the same place the X Men fought 22 years ago, but with lots of green screens and CGI, jokes, and lots of sappy moments that makes Return of the King jealous.
Did I miss something?
I was smiling when they earned it.Your soul.
I don't know about that. I enjoyed all 3 TM Spiderman films and even both of AG's movies. Not a fan of any of the Tom Holland films but NWH was the worst of his IMO.Well if you're not a Spidey fan this isn't your cup of tea. A lot of plots and characters going on so it's not streamlined. It feels so Endgame and whatever you felt about that you would probably feel about this one.
I love Spiderman. My third favorite Superhero behind Batman and Superman.Well if you're not a Spidey fan this isn't your cup of tea. A lot of plots and characters going on so it's not streamlined.
It feels so Endgame and whatever you felt about that you would probably feel about this one.
Far Frome Home accomplished nothing except the last 2 seconds. That movie was worthless and even Feige himself said it was all a misdirection, which proves it's worth right there. Not a fan of all the high school stuff either.I don't know about that. I enjoyed all 3 TM Spiderman films and even both of AG's movies. Not a fan of any of the Tom Holland films but NWH was the worst of his IMO.
Haven't seen Endgame yet so can't comment on that.
Yeah the goofy Marvel. When applied correctly it's fine, but there is plenty of it that doesn't land. Like I've said before, seems like failure with laughter fails less than failure with seriousness. NWH seems to have a lot of inside jokes though that might seem irrelevant to the average movie go-er.I love Spiderman. My third favorite Superhero behind Batman and Superman.
It wasn't until now that I realized what it is about MCU films that don't connect with me.
This film does something that a lot of Marvel films do, and it annoys me greatly, which is why I find the talking so annoying. It's when characters are all talking very quickly, over each other, acting funny or sarcastically, like they're in some kind of sketch show.
Most if not ALL Marvel films do that for some reason. It may have started with Robert Downey jr, but HE can get away with it. When everyone is doing it, it becomes tough to watch for me. You don't see that type of fast talking with constant jokes in other films. Then they quickly jump from fast talking funny talk to "heart felt" moment...give me a break. The Nolan and Snyder films take it to the opposite extreme, with little to no humor, overtly serious and unrealistic at times, but at least that doesn't take me out of the film.