Spider-Man: No Way Home (December 17th, 2021)

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Just a strange movie... I mean, the entire MCU is based on nostalgia... nostalgia of comic books. But this Spider-Man is basing its new nostalgia on its own old nostalgia -- oh look, Molina's back! Tobey's back!!!! Hasn't even been 20 years!

It's nostalgia nostalgia!
Much of which is fueled by our desire for Hot Toys figures! :)
Well, more like putting Dirty Harry in Space Jam.

It's funny because when people think of the 60's Adam West villains, they don't think of them as threatening, yet they were always trying to murder Batman, with crazy traps and weapons. :lol Even in the 66 film they had that laser thing that evaporated people. I don't see Ledger standing a chance against those guys.

In a fist fight, Affleck, Ledger, and Bale would beat the **** Adam West and his crew tho. :LOL:
The only way doctor strange 2 can blow me away is if jackman is in it. That’s literally it
I think Feige knows how bad TLJ and the nostalgia stuff will need to be celebrated and treated respectfully.

Jye, I know you are a tv guy, I am looking at tvs to get, any recommendations?
Your GIF reminded me how unique Raimi’s trilogy had those crazy cooky camera shot moments I loved from Sam’s imagination :clap
Re: Untitled 3rd Spider-Man film

That'll probably infuriate those fans who want Spiderman as his own man in his own films with his own Rogues gallery.

But I don't mind this at all. I'd like to see those two interact again. And I see it has ramped up the Multiverse talk again and the possibility of 'canonizing' the Maguire and Garfield movies.....
Yes you are absolutely correct it's so annoying in the comics they harely ever team . These movies are always having cross overs with characters that dont fit.

They could have done a variation of this " one more day" adaptation with the clone saga if they wanted to introduce more spiderman. Multiverse spiderman its ridiculous the cartoon was great sure but this like they are try to shoe horn dr strange in to this
The only way doctor strange 2 can blow me away is if jackman is in it. That’s literally it
I’ll be blown away if they bring in the OG Xmen film, I will cry harder than Days of Future past on the big screen.

De aged or not we will see, all I think about is those previous marvel actors feeling better about the current state of the MCU lololol

i’m hopeful thanks to watching Dr Strange’s Cup, Oh for ”Fox”s Sake? A massive Easter egg of what’s to come thanks to FOX? We will see

PS I think that’s Venom in the shadows
Venom would be incredible. Maaan I'm way too hyped for this movie. I hope I'm not disappointed.
Venom would be incredible. Maaan I'm way too hyped for this movie. I hope I'm not disappointed.
It’s most likely lizard. Venom would be to op. I just hope it’s not the ugly asm design
Venom I'm sure is off-limits or was agreed to not touch and be a Sony only movie. Same with Carnage/Kraven/Morbius. Would be nice for the Lizard to look like a Lizard.


Don't forget, they could do the Raimi Curt Conners instead of the ASM one. I doubt it as they might have it covered with SM1 GG, SM2 Ock, SM3 Sandman?, ASM Lizard, ASM2 Electro. That still leaves 1, possible Rhino to even the villains out. If they all have updated suits that look comic-y, Feige FTW again.
Venom I'm sure is off-limits or was agreed to not touch and be a Sony only movie. Same with Carnage/Kraven/Morbius. Would be nice for the Lizard to look like a Lizard.


Don't forget, they could do the Raimi Curt Conners instead of the ASM one. I doubt it as they might have it covered with SM1 GG, SM2 Ock, SM3 Sandman?, ASM Lizard, ASM2 Electro. That still leaves 1, possible Rhino to even the villains out. If they all have updated suits that look comic-y, Feige FTW again.
I thought Sony did want to crossover with Venom and Tom eventually.

either way you know they changed things up, based on electro alone, blue versus Yellow 😭😭
I thought Sony did want to crossover with Venom and Tom eventually.

either way you know they changed things up, based on electro alone, blue versus Yellow 😭😭
Think this might be the last hurrah for MCU Spidey. Not sure if they would want him back for an Avengers or not. Sony already trying to ride the coattails of Feige with Keaton in Morbius and supposedly Venom2.
Think this might be the last hurrah for MCU Spidey. Not sure if they would want him back for an Avengers or not. Sony already trying to ride the coattails of Feige with Keaton in Morbius and supposedly Venom2.
I was really hoping the next endgame type movie of this decade would be an all out variants on the big screen from all the previous marvel films or something
The time has come to tell you all something very personal. I keep my ear to the ground and I hear everything everybody says. And for the past year and a half the words “TheDucky” have been completely misunderstood and misused. It doesn't seem anybody in the Universe understands what I mean, anybody on this forum doesn't understand who TheDucky is. Basically who TheDucky is in its truest form is the truth. It's honesty. You boil it down and then the essence of TheDucky is exactly what all of you lack, honesty. Seems the perception of me is somebody who is a little disgruntled and sat down on and aired his grievances. I became the voice of the voiceless. And then maybe my ego was like a runaway train and I suddenly bitched and moaned and complained about respect and how I didn't get enough of it. And then I turned my back on this forum.

Well, that's a lie. Don't be mistaken. I meant everything I said when I said it. But I was shortchanged and I was disrespected, and sure, I could have just swallowed that bitter pill and accepted my position on this forum like everybody else in the back, or I could have left. Instead I made a conscious decision and I sold out. To you. To you I sold out, to me I cashed in. See, I created this persona, this rebel, this anti hero that you all love to hate because I knew that you all love to hate your supervillains. Because here is the truth about CollectorFreaks, here is the truth about it, it doesn't matter that if you're the best person, it doesn't matter if you're the best talker, it doesn't matter if you're the best collector, it doesn't matter if you make the two clowns sitting in the ST thread look like amateur debate hour. There is a glass ceiling and nobody is allowed to break it. That's the simple story of this place. The older you are, the more friends you make. The more you people cheer for any given boomer, the more opportunities you're afforded.

You're doing it now! You're falling for everything I say, you're playing into my hands, but this is the way it is and this is the way you want it because this is the way you handle it. It's easy, it's simple to digest because you people can't handle anything complicated, you people can't stomach anything interesting. This is the way it's been since the beginning of the time.

Except for now. Until I showed up. I've become the most successful CollectorFreaks user of all time. So much that my one year of life successes equals 30 of yours. And I have attained this success, not— not because of you. I am successful not because of you. I am successful in spite of all of you.

Now, I'm the most honest man on this thread, I'm the most honest man on this forum 'cause everybody else has got the same, old, tired crybaby story. They'll come out here and they'll say “that is so cool” “how much” “i need” Like sheep!

There's good guys and there's bad guys in this world and make no mistake about it, ladies and gentlemen, I am a bad, bad man and I can freely admit it.

Two types of people on this earth. Those born to be in the spotlight and those born to pay to see the people in the spotlight. Ladies and gentlemen, there's winner and losers. Guess which one you are. You're born to see people like me, it's not the other way round. And I'll be the first guy to come out here and admit it, I'm honest. There's superstars and there's nobodies. I am a superstar, you are all nobodies. And I'm a real superstar.

What fuels me is your constant disappointment in your self-appointed superheroes and franchises. I was honest. I spoke the truth. And for two years that's exactly what I've done. In your face, jerks. I have beaten you.

You can have your little debates and your little figures. Just remember I'm in the big leagues and I'm swinging for the fence. You need to understand that your little jabs and your insults, it's all kiddie games. You can't leave a mark on the champ's face. Understand this, when you think of TheDucky, your arms are just too short to box with God.