My favorite Spider-Man game was the PS1 original. Haven't played a Spider-Man game since the SM3 in 2007 though.
The swinging was so flaccid in that. SM2 is the only one that felt like gravity existed.
My favorite Spider-Man game was the PS1 original. Haven't played a Spider-Man game since the SM3 in 2007 though.
New info from game Informer I got from shh
You start off with the traditional suit
They don't explain the white spider, but do explain some aspects of the new suit, the red parts on the suit are made for armor reinforcement, where he might get hit the most and the blue parts are used for flexibility in order to traverse easier
They saw silhouettes of a dozen suits, but they said there would be more in the final game
It seems like certain suits will have their own abilities
It's fast and fluid
Spider-Man jumps from one enemy to the next with ease
All about giving the player choices; webbing up and using items, fighting enemies in the air, using gadgets, finishing moves.
Peter Parker:
The part that they got to play with Peter Parker is the one we see in the PGW trailer at the F.E.A.S.T shelter
Walk around the shelter interacting with various items, speaking to characters
They compare it to those quiet moments in Uncharted games where people are walking around going about their business interacting with each other and various things in the environment
The Open World:
The city is densely packed with people and life. Saying that none of the details disappear when they are at a distance
Can interact with citizens; take selfies with them, high five, finger guns
Definitely Marvel's Universe; Avengers building, Wakandan Embassy
Side Activities:
One has you grabbing various backpacks that Peter has webbed up in the past , the one they picked up in the demo had and image Spider-Man's old webshooters
Taskmaster has placed various bombs all over the city that need to be defused
Earn crafting components for competing these missions, bonus objectives during them give you more materials
Outposts that are run by Kingpin need to be taken down
Seems like Shocker bit from the trailer is tied into a side mission
Random crimes happen; robberies (actually get to go into interiors), car chases.
Take photos of some golden cats that are strewn about by Black Cat
Leveling System:
Gain experience for doing various tasks; finding landmarks, combat, exploration.
Various traversal upgrades; swing speed, faster launching
Tripwire which we've seen in the demo
Web bomb which incapacitates a group of enemies at once
Spider Drone which can shoot webs of it's own at enemies
DLC "City Never Sleeps":
Committed to keeping people engaged after the main story
Each will feature a unique villain, storyline, missions, challenges, and suits
First one is called "The Heist" and features the Black Cat
Minor Story Details:
Mary Jane and Peter are not together at the time
Game opens up with having to take down Kingpin
Opens up in Peter's apartment showing some daily bugle cut outs of Vulture, Electro, Scorpion and Rhino. Doesn't confirm them as villains in the game, just that some cutouts of them getting captured by Spider-Man are there.
The best part is the quote at the end:
"I walked away from Spider-Man with one word in mind: Amazing. Insomniac is poised to do for Spider-Man what Rocksteady did for Batman. Only experienced a small part of what will be in the final product, but what I played is exactly what I want from a Spider-Man game