Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

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You woulda bought in anyways :) but this just looks sick! (now to guess what the last dimension is)




It's gonna change the gameplay pretty much, O'Hara will probably be more violent with his arms spikes. At least let hope so.
If we just got a regular Spider-Man moves but in a different environment, I don't see the point.
I really want the Ultimate universe

Really doubt that's going to happen, since visualy, it's not THAT different from Amazing. AWESOME that we're getting 2099, I'm betting that the last one is either going to be Marvel zombies ( and considering the closeness to Halloween with the release, it's got the BEST shot) ... 0r... um... you know, i can't think of another one that is Dramatically different enough ( visually) to be the last one.
It's not going to be zombies (kids wanna get this game as well, and they're not gonna market that ____ to kids.) Although i'd like it to be.

Ultimate would work since he's a kid, and amazing he's grown up. I'd also love some clone stuff as well. Who knows!
It's not going to be zombies (kids wanna get this game as well, and they're not gonna market that ____ to kids.) Although i'd like it to be.

Ultimate would work since he's a kid, and amazing he's grown up. I'd also love some clone stuff as well. Who knows!

They don't have to be eating people's brains in graphic detail, they can still make it work for the game and it makes the most sense.
Well we'll see, but i just don't see it. ( But i wouldn't mind)

more kiddies = more $

some parents = no ZOMBIES
Well we'll see, but i just don't see it. ( But i wouldn't mind)

more kiddies = more $

some parents = no ZOMBIES

Don't count on it.

I used to work Game retail and the vast majority of parents who buy games for their kids really don't care.

On top of that, i was reprimanded once for warning someone about the sexual content and violence of GTA.
"if the parents are too dumb to check the rating, Let them buy it. it's their responsibility, not ours"

Just because you care, don't think everyone else dose. I know more people under the age of 14 who play Violent First person shooters then people my own age.

" he's a kid, it's different" isn't going to hold water with game company upper management. if it looks the same, it's the same. Many of The people who make those decisions involving the budget and money don't look that far into it. they're concerned with the ascetics mostly. this is not allways the case, but you've got to remember that not everyone at every aspect of making a game is a gamer. there are Marketing guys, budget guys, accountants, investors, etc.

i did, however, think of another marvel universe that it could be, IF they want to go "kid friendly"

Superhero showdown.
Don't count on it.

there are Marketing guys, budget guys, accountants, investors, etc.

That's exactly WHY. Spider-Man and kiddies go hand and hand. And if there are SOME parents that won't buy it. You better believe they want all the $ they can get.(and it comes up at discussions) And if zombie violence deters some parents you can bet they don't want that to happen.($) The question is will they include it anyways, and determine if it is worth the risk. It all comes down to $. (nothing to do with what ******* parent will buy GTA for their kid.) If there is a chance to alienate anyone from buying it (kids) you can bet they have discussed it and considered it. I hope it happens! But 1602 does seem more logical at this point. Again just cause stupid parents buy violent games for their kids, doesn't mean marketing people don't think about the parents that are sensible. (especially when it comes to spidey)

My vote is still for ultimate, but i'd take zombies as a close 2nd