Thank you for your patience during the returns process.
We wanted to take a moment to confirm that your return was recently received and checked into our warehouse.
Please note that there is a remaining $345.99 for this order that has not been refunded. Because these payments were made over 6 months ago, due to recent credit card restrictions, we are unable to refund them directly. We will need you to provide the full credit card number to process this refund manually. For security purposes, please do not send the credit card number through email. You will need to call us directly to provide this number.
Also please expect the earned rewards points for this order to be deducted from your balance.
As always, please don’t hesitate to let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
Might or might not have anything to do with this email I got today.
I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but I don't mind giving warnings just the same. I'm very unhappy to have let this statue go, in theory it's a nice piece, I just got the crap end of the deal. I pray none of you get what I returned and get a piece you can enjoy unlike me, but if you do get someone's bad return, please send it back.
Still unhappy I won't have Spider-Woman in my Avengers line up. Hope I don't deal with anything like this again, this was a complete failure.
Sorry man. Do you still remember what issues and number it had? Would be interesting to see if yours turns up again. SS![]()
Fast question to anyone who knows, is the reg head attached to the body or does it come off?
asking cause the ex box seems to have two slots for the heads, but also seems that a head attached can still fit in the box as well.
Also good luck to whoever got the ex as I returned mine about a week and a half ago. That is probably why they said they found inventory. The one I had had a messed up base and the ex head wouldn't sit flush.
I agree, that's why we don't destroy some statues and ss wants them back to fix and resell. I don't see anything wrong with that. They just need to do it right.
Also good luck to whoever got the ex as I returned mine about a week and a half ago. That is probably why they said they found inventory. The one I had had a messed up base and the ex head wouldn't sit flush.
so, has anyone actually taken a hammer to her yet for a refund?
Would be cathartic to share the pics here.
my replacement ex head came damaged, SS arent offering to replace it and offering 35$ credit
so pissed I asked them if i can cancel my remaining orders
just not worth collecting items after paying extra 200$ in customs and shipping ,
Id rather spend the money on something less stressful,
waiting to see if they allow to keep my NRD and flex pay cancellation fees
cancelling Halo MC, SUperman EX, CAmpebell spidey set, Nathan drake pf and Conan pF..someone is going to get lucky on Halo and superman EX
Today i got my Spider-Woman (189)![]()
She is perfect! Both heads fit perfect no paint issues on her! The only problem i have is with the surface of the Base, it have this oily spots on it. I will contact Sideshow if they have another Base but when not i can totally live with this!
my replacement ex head came damaged, SS arent offering to replace it and offering 35$ credit
so pissed I asked them if i can cancel my remaining orders
just not worth collecting items after paying extra 200$ in customs and shipping ,
Id rather spend the money on something less stressful,
waiting to see if they allow to keep my NRD and flex pay cancellation fees
cancelling Halo MC, SUperman EX, CAmpebell spidey set, Nathan drake pf and Conan pF..someone is going to get lucky on Halo and superman EX
my replacement ex head came damaged, SS arent offering to replace it and offering 35$ credit
so pissed I asked them if i can cancel my remaining orders
just not worth collecting items after paying extra 200$ in customs and shipping ,
Id rather spend the money on something less stressful,
waiting to see if they allow to keep my NRD and flex pay cancellation fees
cancelling Halo MC, SUperman EX, CAmpebell spidey set, Nathan drake pf and Conan pF..someone is going to get lucky on Halo and superman EX
so, has anyone actually taken a hammer to her yet for a refund?
Would be cathartic to share the pics here.