Chipmunk Robot on Ice
I have no idea, I'm going to look into it. I'm gessing shipping was more than what I expected, since the price was an estimate, but I'll see if the reason is another.
I hope i don't get charged extra because i've just spent all my money on Spike. Eeek, lol. I reckoned it up at about 150.00 so if it comes over that i'll be annoyed
I've never had to pay tax before on any of the figures i've ordered from Sideshow in the past so i don't understand why i'd have to now? Won't they be shipping them to UK buyers from the EU warehouse?
Got my Spike yesterday - along with Cap and Maul. And between the 3 of them, my favorite is probably Spike. Cap is very cool, but this is SPIKE!
Second goA little better
I think nobody has mentioned it before, or at least I've never read it in this board, but his teeth are quite weird looking to me. Maybe it's only my perception, but I think the teeth in the vamped out portrait don't look like fangs, but more like "big teeth". They don't look that bad at all, but it makes the sculpt being not as perfect as the human head. Said that, it's not that big deal to me, because I'm going to display him with the human head. And overall, that's my only complaint about this incredible statue.
What do you guys think of the teeth/fangs?