Spike Video Game Awards show 2010. Lots of reveals, will update here

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Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

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Best trailer of the night, imo.
What's with all the CG Trailers.... where's the gameplay for Christ's sake!:mad:

Indeed. CG trailers (or even live-action) are LAME.

Even if they do look cool and are well done, it's a ____ing video game.

Show some gameplay!
Indeed. CG trailers (or even live-action) are LAME.

Even if they do look cool and are well done, it's a ____ing video game.

Show some gameplay!

exactly. they were showing real reenactments of the game. well that doesn't tell us or show us anything. show some gameplay. l was disappointed with the oblivion trailer as well.
Did you guys notice how they turned SSX into Call of Duty With Snowboards?

Only good things from that show were the Uncharted 3 and Mass Effect 3 trailers. And that part when Chiklis lifted that girl up.
Did you guys notice how they turned SSX into Call of Duty With Snowboards?

Only good things from that show were the Uncharted 3 and Mass Effect 3 trailers. And that part when Chiklis lifted that girl up.

Yeah kind of lame actually.

By trying to make it cool, they cheesed it up from the looks of it.
Alright, my most anticipated games for 2011:
Mass Effect 3
Uncharted 3
Gears 3

Maybe Resistance 3...Part 2 looked good too, then I played it.
If nothing gets substantially delayed, 2011 looks like it will a fantastic year for the gaming history books.

2011 could be the last big hurrah before at least one company starts hinting at their next generation console.
...Portal 2?
No. Didn't care for the first one.

If nothing gets substantially delayed, 2011 looks like it will a fantastic year for the gaming history books.

2011 could be the last big hurrah before at least one company starts hinting at their next generation console.

:lecture Yeah I know. Good and Bad. Good in terms that we will see some new hardware and features, Bad in the fact that we'll have to spend a lot of $$$ to get said hardware. It's going to be a hard decision for me as I don't know if I need to own every system anymore. One thing is for certain....I will NOT buy any console that doesn't have Backwards Compatibility. I know it sounds dumb now, but I do not wish to have 3 audio towers full of game machines. I already have 2 full, and I'm running out of connections on my receiver. :monkey2
If nothing gets substantially delayed, 2011 looks like it will a fantastic year for the gaming history books.

2011 could be the last big hurrah before at least one company starts hinting at their next generation console.

Don't count on it.
Sony and microsoft already said the ps3 and the xbox 360 are not yet 1/2 way done with their life cycle.
that they are No where NEAR reaching the maximum potential that theses sytems are capable of.
There Was a "big stink" over it at E3 this year. We MIGHt be seeing a new nintendo console sometime in the next 2 years or so, but not from the others.
I'm well aware of the '10 year plan', but it doesn't hurt to hope. Frankly, I think 10 years is a little long in the tooth. Does it take 10 years to reach satisfactory market saturation? I do hope that by the tail end of 2012 or at least E3 2013, we'll see the first glimpses of the next gen. I mean, think about the PS2, it's life was still kicking well into the PS3's.

Pixelated shadows and inconsistent framerate still plague the best games nowadays, and at this point in the current gen lifespan, one has to wonder if the hardware is struggling to keep up with what the developers want to do. I don't think developers are still having trouble harnessing the power of these consoles. Maybe Epic and Naughty Dog will prove me wrong with their next games, but I'm wary.
I'm well aware of the '10 year plan', but it doesn't hurt to hope. Frankly, I think 10 years is a little long in the tooth. Does it take 10 years to reach satisfactory market saturation? I do hope that by the tail end of 2012 or at least E3 2013, we'll see the first glimpses of the next gen. I mean, think about the PS2, it's life was still kicking well into the PS3's.

:goodpost: I also think the "10 year plan" is a little overboard. Sure, they can still develop games for the 360/PS3, but I really want to see a new machine that can give PCs a run for their money. The 360 is already getting outdated with the DVD format so I bet MS is trying to figure out what to do next with the 3602.
:goodpost: I also think the "10 year plan" is a little overboard. Sure, they can still develop games for the 360/PS3, but I really want to see a new machine that can give PCs a run for their money. The 360 is already getting outdated with the DVD format so I bet MS is trying to figure out what to do next with the 3602.

PS3, and likely the 360 can already do that. as Microsoft and Sony have already stated, they've not come close to unlocking the full potential of the consoles.

Too see the type of results that you're asking for, we need to see more advanced physics and game engines.

To put it simply : We've got the hardware, it's the software that's still trying to catch up.