Super Freak
Here's a more detailed summary of 609 "No Way Out" from someone who's viewed the episode already. 
The episode quite literally starts with a bang when it picks up where the after credits scene left off. The Negan gang leader wants to shoot Sasha and Abraham after some discussion, but Daryl who kind of managed to sneak away unnoticed, incinerates the whole gang with the rocket launcher.
The Rick group is among the walker crowd and change their plan. Instead of going to the armory they attempt to get to the quarry to their vehicles to lure the walkers away, though they leave Judith with Gabriel who heads to the church (Sam refuses to go with him). A little later comes what everybody has been waiting for: Sam gets scared (Carol’s words when she threatened him echo through his head), he blows his cover and the walkers attack him. Jessie won’t let his hand go, screams and is attacked as well. She won’t let Carl go and Rick chops off her arm. Ron wants to shoot Rick (I'm not sure where he got that gun from, but nevermind), Michonne impales him with the katana, but Ron fires one shot as he dies and hits Carl in the eye. A shocked Rick picks Carl up and the remaining three flee from the scene.
Tara, Rosita, Eugene, Carol and Morgan are trapped in the house. Tara wants to follow Denise and the wolf but Rosita convinces her to stay and take care of the knocked out Carol and Morgan, because they have no weapons and she is sure the wolf will take care of Denise, because he needs her to treat his wound. Later, there’s some discussion between Carol and Morgan where Carol says that she should’ve killed him and he answers something like she’s morally not capable to do that.
The wolf and Denise are outside, hiding from the walkers and kind of bonding as the wolf gives the scared to death Denise some wolfish pep talk to deal with the situation. Later, the wolf is bitten while saving her from a walker and Denise vows to save his life, but he is shot by Carol from a balcony shortly after (not sure where she got that gun from, but nevermind). Denise finds refuge with Aaron, Heath, Spencer et al. in the infirmary. Rick, Michonne and Carl arrive there as well and Denise, noticeably braver, immediately attempts to save Carl. Rick is furious. He picks up his ax and leaves to slaughter the walkers. Motivated by his courage, Aaron, Heath, Spencer and Michonne join him. Later, Carol, Rosita, Eugene, Morgan, Tara, Tobin and Gabriel join in as well.
Meanwhile Glenn and Enid get into Alexandria, have some heart to heart in a church and attempt to rescue Maggie. Glenn lures the walkers away from the platform while Enid climbs to the wounded and exhausted Maggie. The two women watch in despair as Glenn is cornered and has another near death moment before Abraham and Sasha show up on the wall and kill the walkers with machine guns. They all join the other group’s fight against the horde, while Daryl blows up a tank with the rocket launcher luring lots of walkers away from the fight and into the fire. They end up killing all of the walkers.
The episode ends with Rick beside the bed of an unconscious Carl. He says he has now faith again, because he saw what the Alexandrians can do and he wants Carl to live to see this new world. Carl grabs his hand.