SPOILERS & RUMORS for The Walking Dead TV Series *Enter at your own risk*

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Ok...Spoilers will continue. :hi5:

LMAO. Keep em comin'!
Yeah, thanks for these summaries. While I still enjoy the show somewhat, the Walking Dead is no longer "Much watch" TV for me like Game of Thrones is, and I don't care that the episodes are "spoiled" before hand.
613 "Same Boat" tidbits from Spoiler TV:

Someone will have a panic attack.

- Morning sickness are never fun when you’re pregnant (that is what I’ve been told), but it might be even worse when you’re being kidnapped. So, yeah, the Saviors will learn about Maggie’s pregnancy. Maggie carrying life inside her will cause a little debate among the Saviors and it could also make her a target. They know where to hit to really hurt her. Don't hurt baby Hershel damn Saviors ! (that's what I'm calling it for now)

- Someone will offer medical help to an injured Savior.

- The group that attacked Daryl, Abe and Sasha will be mentioned, and named.

- Carol will share a cigarette with one of her kidnappers.

- Maggie and Carol will both mentioned someone from their past. A sincere declaration or a way to get sympathy from the Saviors ?

- Someone will unexpectedly turn to religion (Carol)

- Last week Michonne wondered if they had killed Negan, another character will ask the same question in "The Same Boat".

- Someone will cough blood… That is never good.

- There will be a revelation about Negan.

- Carol will be afraid of something, for real.

- One of the saviors will share about his/her past, job, family and what happened when the walkers first came. It reminded me of Fear the Walking Deadin some way.

- Carol and Maggie will do a memorable thing. We will never forget that scene.

- One of the saviors introduced will be quite a gifted survivor. She will be particularly smart about what the trade, how, where and when and mostly if it should happen. I really appreciated the way she thinks, it’ll be obvious that how she has managed to survive so long. "The Same Boat" will be a woman focused episode, maybe because it's so rare, but it'll make it an outstanding episode.

- Rick and co will still question how the Saviors got the bike ! Honestly, I don't care how, I’m just glad Daryl got his bike back. :clap

"The Same Boat" will be another excellent episode of The Walking Dead. This season has been amazing, I’m really enjoying 6A and 6B as much. The pace is different in this second part of the season. In each episodes, the first half is a bit slow, putting things in motion for the second half, that is amazing, moving and epic.
Don’t miss "The Same Boat" this Sunday on AMC and next Monday on FOX in the UK. Which parts are you the most excited about ? What did you think of Rick’s plan ? Do you think Carol and Maggie will make it out okay or are they gonna stay kidnapped for another episode ?

The Walking Dead - The Same Boat - Advance Preview | Spoilers

Btw...No thanks needed. I know many people abhor spoilers so I wasn't sure if anyone was reading what I was posting. All good...I'll keep them coming! :wink1:
Not really spoilers...Just confirmed titles of episode descriptions

Episode 6.14 - Twice as Far
Two separate groups leave Alexandria for supplies, and while both worry over the future of the community, they will face immediate danger.

Episode 6.15 - East
When someone goes missing in Alexandria, the community goes on alert, and search parties venture out.

The Walking Dead - Episode 6.14 - 6.15 - Titles and Synopsis Revealed *Updated* | Spoilers
Brief Q & A re: 614 "Twice As Far"

1. Who are the two groups that are out looking for supplies?
Eugene and Abraham (Eugene looking for a place to make ammo)
Denise, Rosita and Daryl (Looking for medicine)

2. Does anyone in Team Family die this ep? If so, who and how?
Denise, crossbow through head

3. What is Rick’s reaction to Morgan’s jail cell? Do we find out what the cell is for?
Rick just asks what’s it for. Morgan says it will give some choices next time.

4. Why is Carol on Tobin’s porch?
It’s a 1 second shot. She kisses Tobin quickly as he leaves. She appears to be just waiting for him

5. What’s Carl up to this ep?
We don’t see Carl this episode.

6. Will Dwight make an appearance and if so, is his face ironed?
Yes he does and his left side is burned

7. Does Daryl get his crossbow back? If so, how?
Yes, after a fight with Dwight and his group

8. Does the group run into any other Saviors besides Dwight?
Yes there is a group with Dwight

9. Is Jesus in this episode?
We don’t see Jesus this episode.

10. Does anyone go missing by the end of the episode? If so, who?

credit tsdf
614/Twice as Far:

- Denise will kill a zombie in a car for a can of beer.

- We will learn more about Denise before she dies this episode. She had a brother named Dennis.

-She is speaking to Michonne and Daryl when she gets the arrow through the back of her head, through her right eye. She manages to say a few more words before she dies.

- Eugene tries to grow some and wants to kill a zombie alone. There’s a zombie whose head is covered with melted metal and Eugene can't kill it, so Abraham does it instead.

- Eugene bites Dwight's crotch before our people manage to escape (OUCH)

- Something is brewing between Rosita and Spencer.

(the below is a spoiler for either the end of 14 (most likely) but could appear instead in 15)

Through voice narration, we learn from Carol that she is leaving Alexandria.

A spoilery tidbit for 616:

In one scene Morgan is on horseback, looking for Carol. He stumbles across a freshly killed walker and Carol's blood-stained rosary. He picks it up and continues on his search. At some point, Morgan finds Carol at a library camp. The survivors at this camp have all been slaughtered (presumably the Saviors). Carol is injured with a slash wound on her side. Morgan patches her up with a first-aid kit and tells her that he'll get her back to get some help in the morning. Carol looks at him like he's crazy and tells him no.
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Heres the 616 FINALE SUMMARY:

- Another man in custom-made armor is spotted, this time being beaten by saviors. He isn't the one who Morgan saved.

- The man in custom-made armor that Morgan would not let Rick kill does show up in this episode with another man covered in similar armor, though. Turns out Morgan's instincts were right about him, they appear to be decent people as some members of our group find out. The people in armor seem to be enemies of the saviors.

- At Alexandria they are preparing to transport Maggie to the Hilltop via RV. Rick, Abraham, Glen, Maggie, Aaron, Eugene and Carl all tag come along on this venture. Rick would rather Aaron stay, but Aaron says the only way to stop him is to shoot him or punch him (again).

- Along the way the roads are blocked by different groups of saviors. Our people faced one group similarly to how Daryl, Sasha and Abraham faced the group which they blew up, but this time was different. This group had an unnamed victim with them (the armored guy being beaten at the beginning of the episode.).

- Threats are thrown around with the leader of this group (Not Negan), with Rick asking him "Do you want this to be your last day on Earth?” and the leader returns Ricks question. After an intense standoff it's Rick's group that turns back.

- Now on another road, our group comes across a chain of walkers, two of which are wearing things that belong to Michonne and Daryl (two locks of Michonne's hair and Daryl's jacket). Because of this everyone comes to the realization that Daryl and Michonne are hostages.

- In the woods there's a group of saviors watching who start whistling then start shooting at our group, taunting them, driving them back into a certain direction that they want. Rick realizes this after seeing that that the saviors are purposely only shooting at the group's legs.

- A little while later the the saviors hang their unnamed victim (who was armored), Aaron wants to shoot the chain to try to save them but Rick concludes it is pointless.

- Toward the end our group is cornered and becomes surrounded by the saviors and taken captive, with Michonne and Daryl (who turn out to be alive) brought into the mix to join them. I've heard it's nine people in total from our group: Rick, Carl, Glenn, Daryl, Michonne, Maggie, Abraham, Eugene and Aaron.

- Then man you all have been waiting for, Negan, shows up in the last ten minutes of the episode, along with his barbed-wired bat that he calls by name "Lucille".

- He has a long monologue in which he explains that Rick killed a lot of his people and that Rick and the others have to start working for him, giving him half of what they have. And as retribution he concludes that he's going to kill one of them and if anybody tried to stop him he would take Carl's other eye and give it to Rick to eat.

- Our group are all on their knees as he decides who to kill; He looks at Maggie (who's health/stomach pains have worsened), but Glenn interjects and Negan says he was thinking to kill her so he could get her out of her pains. He has trouble deciding which one to kill so he begins his game of "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe" Every one of our captured characters' faces are shown during the count.

And the moment we’ve all been waiting for....

- When he finally chooses, the camera view switches to the ill-fated character's point of view, so we don't know who has been selected. Negan bashes his/her head and their vision/the camera becomes blurry. Everybody starts shouting at the carnage. Then Negan makes a few more hits causing the ill-fated character to fall on the ground, and after a one more final hit there is a sudden fade to black. End credits, end season.

To make it clear before the questions start: there's no mumbling by said character or anything else that would give away his/her identity. There's just screaming, the bat hits, a blurry camera, and a fade to black. Who dies is just one. Big. Tease.


This has been posted on one site already. Been pulled from another, and a super reliable site is still analyzing the info.

Me, I've speculated on the finale ending that way, since the leaked Negan clip.
Sucks if its a cliffhanger if its true. AMC will blow up the ratings come S7 premiere.

I'll keep you guys informed :)
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Bravo. I'm glad they are playing a longer game with who Negan kills.

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Add on:
more tidbits for 6x16:

- Morgan tries to convince Carol to return with him and informs her that many people came looking for her and that everyone else would have but they were gone before they knew she was, but she doesn't want to come back to Alexandria and justifies it by say no longer wants to kill anymore. She's in a really bad state, and appears welcoming of death.

- Men in custom-armor show up with horses and offer their help to Carol and Morgan. This is the last we see of them for the season.
Rick, Carl, Glenn, Daryl, Michonne, Maggie, Abraham, Eugene and Aaron.

Rick and Carl are untouchable.
Michonne and Maggie seem unlikely, but at least to me have a very slight chance.
Abraham, Eugene and Aaron won't be a big enough of an impact.
It is between Glenn and Daryl.
Since Glenn dies in the comics from Negan.... they need to make it shocking and not predictable
So... Daryl dies.
I jokingly predicted to my wife they'd pull a "cut to black." I didn't believe they'd actually do it. That's not a cliffhanger, it's an audience survey. Boo.