SPOILERS & RUMORS for The Walking Dead TV Series *Enter at your own risk*

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I know Glenn can be annoying and Daryl has definitely lost some of his edge, but seeing either of these guys (who've been around from the beginning) on the receiving end of Lucille is gonna be a rough watch.
I'll need this IF it is Daryl...
607 "Heads Up":

(sources say its legit)
From Daydream_Machine on IMDb -

- Glenn's alive, just like a lot of people expected. He crawled under the dumpster, killed some walkers to block out the others with the dead bodys and then waited until they disappeared. The intestines we've seen being ripped out are indeed from Nicholas.

- He meets Enid who gives him water but wants him to leave her alone. He talks her into going back to Alexandria with him. It looks like Enid takes the place of comic Sophia as Glenn and Maggie's foster child.

- The storyline ends when they arrive at Alexandria and see the city surrounded by walkers. They call attention to themselves with a bunch of balloons though.

The rest of the episode is basically build-up for the mid-season finale and the main theme is "Alexandrians are stupid":

- Everybody discusses plans how to get out of the city to lure the walkers away but nothing really happens.

- Spencer tries to get out by climbing hand over hand across the rope of a grappling iron, is almost eaten in the process but saved by Rick and Tara.

- Rick and Carl show Ron how to use a weapon but don't want to give him bullets. Later he steals some.

- Morgan asks Denise to help him out with the wounded wolf. Carol is suspicious, follows him and confronts him at the hideout.

- The cliffhanger is a tumbling watchtower destroying the wall.

Source: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1520211/board/threads/250592578/?from_app=ios&ref_=ext_iosp_
All these people so happy about glenn being alive are literally going to kill themselves if he gets lucille during the season finale.
All these people so happy about glenn being alive are literally going to kill themselves if he gets lucille during the season finale.

pretty much makes it worthy that they bait us so much

there will be tears lol
i like glenn, but the fan reaction will be funny to see
608 "Start to Finish"
Let me start by saying:


So disappointing! Anyways, here's the summary of the msf episode from a spoiler site.

The walkers pour in and everybody struggels with them a bit and then goes into hiding. They are seperated into different groups. I'll get the less important groups out of the way before I focus on the real meat of the episode:

- Tara, Rosita and Eugene hide in some garage after Eugene has shouted the "Help!" we heard two episodes ago into the walkie talkie. Rosita is distraught, but Tara gives some pep talk and proclaims that nothing is lost yet. Eugene attempts to unlock the door leading into the house.

- Maggie barely saves herself by climbing up a guard post and that's basically all we see from her. That guard post doesn't look all that solid and the walkers may tear it down.

- Glenn and Enid are still outside and also have just one brief scene where they discuss what to do. Enid just wants to leave, Glenn disagrees, of course. It is revealed that Glenn knows about Maggie's pregnancy.

Now on to the important stuff:

- Rick, Carl, Michonne, Deanna, Jesse, Gabriel, Ron, Sam and Judith hide in Jesse's house. It is revealed that Deanna was bitten, she prepares to die and has some tearful conversations with Rick ("They are all your people now. Take care of them.") and Michonne ("Find out what you want."). Meanwhile, Ron goes insane and attacks Carl. Their fight attracts the walkers who break into the house. They are able to contain them by blocking them out with furniture but barely. Later, Carl confronts Ron and takes away his gun but doesn't tell the others about his meltdown. As the walkers threaten to take down the barricades, they decide to mess themselves up with walker intestines and leave the house. They can't take the weakened Deanna with them though who then decides that she'll take care of it herself with her gun "when she's ready". They leave and carve their way through the walker crowd while Deanna decides to not shoot herself but instead shoot some of the walkers heading towards her (we don't see her getting eaten though). The episode ends with the rest standing on the porch among the huge walker crowd and stupid little Sam repeatedly saying "Mom".

- Morgan and Carol take refuge in Morgan's house while Denise is in the basement with the wolf. After overcoming her fear, Denise attempts to treat the wolf's wound, basically joining Morgan's "let's change him" mission. Carol slipped before they made it into the house and she seems to have a concussion from the fall, which is later revealed to be a ruse to sneak into the basement. Carol wants to kill the wolf, Morgan won't let her, a fight between them ensues, Morgan knocks Carol out, the wolf knocks Morgan out and then frees himself with a knife. It is then revealed that Tara, Rosita and Eugene were in the same house the whole time and they stumble into that whole scenario. The wolf takes Denise hostage and demands their guns which they do hand over. The episode ends with the wolf and Denise leaving the house, heading towards the walker crowd.

Finally, we get a post-credits scene: Daryl, Sasha and Abraham are captured by some biker gang blocking the road. I'll just say that the final word of the episode is "Negan".

Update re: after credits scene:

The cliffhanger will be Rick and the others exiting the house with their walker ponchos on and walking through the herd.

The after credits scene though goes like this:

Abe, Sasha and Daryl encounter a group of guys on bikes in the middle of the road. The leader tells them to get out of their van. He explains how he wants the van and all their weapons. He says he wants the mats, any candy they have, the porn under their seats and any emergency napkins they may have (the list goes on)

He then says 'Everything now belongs to Negan'!

So, everything's up in the air and it's going to be very long three months for all of us until the show.
(credit: tsdf)
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To everything averagejo mentioned above:

Ugh... How incredibly disappointing. Sounds about right, really. And here I was hoping for some intense stuff to happen. This episode sounds like it's going to be a major flop. I think I'm about done with this show. I might as well read the comics! :lol

Maybe it's Daryl who has a date with Lucille and not Glenn. I know Daryl has some new show coming out.

Norman Reedus is coming out with a reality motorcycle show, I believe. Might check it out. xD
The comics are ****ing amazing and safe from infection from the show. Let it do its thing, it can't touch Kirkman's world.
The comics are ****ing amazing and safe from infection from the show. Let it do its thing, it can't touch Kirkman's world.

From what I read on the TWD wiki it does sound pretty awesome. Why create a TV series if they're going to "Disney-fy" the heck out of it? If it's the violence and gore they're concerned about then why didn't Showtime pick it up? If they can allow a TV series like Dexter, you know? lol
The comics are ****ing amazing and safe from infection from the show. Let it do its thing, it can't touch Kirkman's world.

Yes they are. Comics have always and will always be better than the TV show.

Negan scene is worth watching it seems. Everything else is just meh.
Hi guys...Here's a partial summary of 609...
I can't wait!!

Keep in mind this is by no means the whole episode.

In the cold open, Sasha, Abe, and Daryl continue their face off with the group of bikers. After Team SAD hands over their weapons, the lead biker orders one of his men to take Daryl to search the truck for booty. Meanwhile, words are exchanged between Sasha, Abe, and the lead biker (as seen in promo). It results in the biker aiming guns at both Sasha and Abe. In typical Dixon style, Daryl saves them from disaster. Daryl subdues the Savior he was with, then blows the bikers to bits with the rocket launcher. S.A.D. hop in the truck and head home.

At ASZ the group continues to make their way through the herd. Rick realizes that there are too many walkers to drive the walkers away with flares and comes up with a new plan. When the question is raised about what to do about Judith, Father G volunteers to take her to safety. Carl passes her on and Father G makes his way to the church with Judith. (Can we get a witness for Father G right here?)

Glenn and Enid team up to try to save Maggie, but not without some teenaged snark from Enid.

The MSP rumor is accurate! CON-FIRMED! (Not like we didn’t all know that, but it was fun to say.) Rick, Michonne, Carl, Jessie, Sam, and Ron lock hands and begin walking through the herd again. Sam becomes frozen in fear and stops. Jessie’s pleas become more desperate as Sam cries that he can’t do it. A few walkers notice Sam and inevitably sink their teeth into him. As Sam screams, Jessie becomes paralyzed. A walker latches on to Jessie’s shoulder and she doesn’t react. Suddenly she is swarmed, yet continues to tightly grasp on to Carl’s hand. Carl’s desperation grows as he tries to free himself, but looks to Rick for help. Having no other choice with the walkers creeping on Carl and seeing Jessie is a goner, Rick hacks off Jessie’s hand with his trusty red axe. Ron picks Jessie’s gun off the ground and aims it at Rick. Carl jumps toward him as the gun goes off. The bullet hits Carl. As Ron goes to shoot Rick again, Michonne drives her katana through his chest, killing him. (Michonne. Do not **** with her.) Rick turns and sees Carl standing with blood spewing from his eye, softly crying, “Dad.” Carl collapses to the ground.

Carol shoots and kills the Wolf. Buh-bye *******.

Denise makes it back to the infirmary in time for Rick to come running in with a bleeding Carl. No longer afraid, Denise immediately starts working on him.

After helplessly watching Carl, Rick rage is activated and he takes his axe and goes HAM on the herd of walkers in the safezone. Other Alexandrians, in awe and inspired, join in on the fight. Together they fight the herd, because that’s the only way they can win.

Hi guys...Here's a partial summary of 609...
I can't wait!!


No sir. I don't like it.

I believe it will go down just like that, too. And I'm incredibly discontent with it. If Carl loses his eye because of Ron...
Geez, I was hoping for him to lose his eye in a more "bad ass" kind of way. Ah well, I look forward to Michonne killing Ron, though. That's really the only part I'm looking forward to. If that's how it will happen, of course. :lol