One of my all time favorite movies to see
It’s the Predator stalking through the jungle tree to tree
Tell me your favorite quote and win you might
A Classic Predator Mask by the end of the night!
Read what I tell you to do
After my favorite “What the hell are you?”
Fine print:
* No sniveling- my rules ride!
* 1 winner will be picked randomly from all correct answers submitted.
* Winners will be responsible for the ship cost of their prize(s). Any international winners will be responsible for any VAT, import fees, taxes, etc. that are assessed on their prize by their governments/shippers. If you do not agree to these rules, please do not play.
* No swapping prizes, see NO sniveling rule.
No double entries- you forget to type crud down- your problem!
• One prize per winner. Don't get greedy, it’s not attractive.
Entry info:
[email protected]
Subject header: RU?
Provide: Name, Phone #, Shipping address, board name. Indicate whether you have a card on file and would like to use that for ship charges or if you need to be contacted for payment info if you win.
Contest posted: Monday, 10/28/2013 @ 8:45pm PT
Contest closes and email by: Monday, 10/29/2013 @ 3am PT. Don’t bother emailing after that.