My Brother phoned me this morning. There was an old lady driving the wrong way towards him up a dual carriageway. He was flashing his lights at her and she seemed totally oblivious.
All the traffic behind him all had to swerve to avoid her.
I bet she was thinking the whole time: "Geez, a whole buncha crazies on the road today!"
I've accidentally taken a left turn onto a one way all of one time in my life, I immediately jumped the curb and drove into a parking lot once I realized my mistake. I'd like to think I impressed some people that day with my quick reaction time but more than likely they probably thought I was drunk and needed more booze from the store.
Wow, how fast was she going in a parking lot?? That's quite a bit of damage. Thankfully you weren't hurt.
Since we are sharing car accident photos, here's mine. Happened a week ago today. Tractor trailer ran me off the road...$9,100 worth of damage.
Chicky twitter post:
"Contest for Hulk figure on! Stop with Little Mermaid ref's. really. Entry directions @SideshowChicky! Good luck @DRUNKHULK @collectsideshow"
Hahaha, hope nobody sent a Little Mermaid reference!
PR3DA70R is still showing up on the site but when i try enter it says expired![]()
I had the same problem awhile ago. However, when I'd log out and go back in it would say I've already submitted, so I guess they still got it.
Jesus. Were you alright?
Yeah, I'm fine. Thankfully the car stayed in the ditch and didn't swerve back out onto the Interstate. Things could have been much worse.
Are you okay?
That's good.
Remember that things can always be worse.