Your customs are amazing. Can you tell me what paint specifically you used to repaint the wolf pack? The white and the grey?
Thanks, Chris. I should have taken some shots of all my Imperials before I put them away for the holidays. I recently got another Praji from eBay just because he went cheap and no one else bid. Now I need to focus on getting another Snowtrooper to make my commander thanks to the helmet cast I got from Tworiverz.
I'm interested to see how Hot Toys' Leia will stack up to Snyderman's sculpting greatness.
I'm interested to see how Hot Toys' Leia will stack up to Snyderman's sculpting greatness.
Yeah that same seller (if its the one that went for $89.99) had a Ex. Palpatine too that I was really tempted to get for like $190 but then I though if I got it I'd just want it to look like all awesome custom Palpatine's I see on the boards so here's to hoping that Hot Toys makes him down the road.Thats funny, I was looking at that Praji and Piett and thought about bidding. I then thought, I didnt need any more officers. The price was very tempting. Glad you scored them.
Looking forward to seeing your Snowtrooper Commander. Good luck finding another Snowtrooper.
Man that ceremony Leia is my favorite of the 4. The Kumik is a perfect fit for her.
Thats funny, I was looking at that Praji and Piett and thought about bidding. I then thought, I didnt need any more officers. The price was very tempting. Glad you scored them.
That's actually a Hot Toys Alice body, not Kumik. If it was a Kumik I probably would have changed it by now. I don't like them at all.
Not to question you, but are you sure? The HT Alice body does not have seamless arms and looks too short. Might be HT Ada Wong body?