Spud's Customs - 41st Elite Kashyyyk

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Re: Spud's Customs - Operation Battlefront

Cheers Ron. :)

Got a lot done on one of my Battlefront Hoth rebels. I received my jump packs from Dorgs and outfitted this guy with one. Also had to go back and revisit the rank badges for the Hoth troopers. Still have to do the comm link for the wrist too. Bugs me that the first time around with my other troopers I made them too small. I will also be experimenting with adding snow to him for added weathering.

Re: Spud's Customs - Operation Battlefront

Wow he looks great! I love the look of the rebel hoth troopers in battlefront

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Re: Spud's Customs - Operation Battlefront

Don't like the game ,but love your customs! Nice work dude!

Oh and I swear I just saw that guy in Jabba's Palace. Hmmmm. :lol
Re: Spud's Customs - Operation Battlefront

Your Battlefront Morgan Hoth trooper is just pure awesome. Another great job Tyler:clap
Re: Spud's Customs - Operation Battlefront

Your Battlefront Morgan Hoth trooper is just pure awesome. Another great job Tyler:clap

Thanks man. He thinks all life is precious... except for Imperials. haha
I know I sound like a broken record at this point but I can't express how much I love the Hoth vests and skirts you've done for me, and everything else for that matter. You truly are the master, my friend. :)
Re: Spud's Customs - Operation Battlefront

Thanks man. He thinks all life is precious... except for Imperials. haha
I know I sound like a broken record at this point but I can't express how much I love the Hoth vests and skirts you've done for me, and everything else for that matter. You truly are the master, my friend. :)

Haha, good one. I guess that would be the determining factor of who gets the stick & who get's the blaster.

Cheers dude. Glad to have been some help.
It's always cool seeing familiar stuff & things used for such awesome customs:wink1:
Re: Spud's Customs - Operation Battlefront

Haha exactly.

Yeah and after playing some Front last night I realized that I failed on the jump pack attachment. On Hoth they're attached to the vest without straps. I guess when I was doing mine I was thinking of how they look on Tatooine or something. So I may end up changing the paint scheme of this first one to the Tatooine look and put it on my Duros and do another one for the Morgan trooper. Because those straps are pretty well glued in place.
Re: Spud's Customs - Operation Battlefront

ha. Yes, That Morgan is a great base for many characters. :clap

I keep analyzing the functionality of the pack I am working on and thinking about adding more straps. I should stop and just get it done. :)

That's amazing scratch building you've done.
Re: Spud's Customs - Operation Battlefront

Thanks dudes.

So tonight was spent finishing up my Duros Rebel trooper and I'm really pleased with how he turned out. I took the pack off my Hoth guy because it wasn't supposed to have the straps and gave it a quick repaint for the Tatooine look in the game. It all came together nicely. Again thanks goes to Duane and Mark for their work in helping make this guy possible.

I still drool over these jump packs.
