Spud's Customs - 41st Elite Kashyyyk

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Re: Spud's Customs - The Tonnika Sisters

Got started on Tzizvvt tonight kind of just an impulse thing while I was watching Netflix. Went to Hobby Lobby earlier in the day and got some little wooden knobs to use for his bumps.
I got a jumpsuit that I figured would be baggy enough for what I was attempting to do.

I glued the knobs on the body as accurately as possible compared to the few shots available for the character. I used two sizes for variation.

Once those were all glided on and dry I slipped the suit back on and began gluing it down to the knobs, bunching it up and making folds true to his appearance.

This turned out to work better than I would have hoped. Now I will be able to paint the suit and it will cover over the glue residue hiding it nicely.

Re: Spud's Customs - The Tonnika Sisters

OK I had to Google this guy. Spudtrooper...your dedication to all things Mos Eisley Cantina continues to amaze.

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Re: Spud's Customs - The Tonnika Sisters

Finished up Tzizvvt yesterday. I'd still like a little more hair on his head and face but I got tired of gluing each one separately. So I think I'm calling him done.

He fits in with the scum and villainy nicely.

Re: Spud's Customs - The Tonnika Sisters

Looks great dude.

I also like the color scheme on your latest Battlefront trooper.
Re: Spud's Customs - The Tonnika Sisters

Thanks guys. :hi5:

Yeah Chris, he's one of my favorite looks in the game. A nice mix of the Endor look with the Fleet trooper colors.
Re: Spud's Customs - The Tonnika Sisters

Thanks guys. :)

My newest WIP.

The first round was a success. Now to go back and refine some of the detail and add more where needed.
Re: Spud's Customs - The Tonnika Sisters

Tzizvvt looks great!
I've been thinking of putting a ponda babba together. Which means SS or HT will make one (everytime I start a custom SS seems to announce a new figure). Anyway just wondering if you scratched the oval belt buckle, or is it an actual belt you picked up somewhere?
Re: Spud's Customs - The Tonnika Sisters

Tzizvvt looks great!
I've been thinking of putting a ponda babba together. Which means SS or HT will make one (everytime I start a custom SS seems to announce a new figure). Anyway just wondering if you scratched the oval belt buckle, or is it an actual belt you picked up somewhere?

There is a belt with an oval buckle that comes with Capt. Antilles. That is what I used on mine.

If you cant find one, let me know. I'll hook you up. :)
Re: Spud's Customs - The Tonnika Sisters

Yeah it's the belt that came with ceremonial Luke. Same buckle as the Antillies one I believe.

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