Can't wait what they have to offer 
Put it this way; if you go with a kai you are going to get an all around decent figure. Whether or not it's worth the hefty price tag is up to your discretion. Their biggest weakness right now seems to be non-anime face sculpts, thankfully Deadpool won't have that problem so i think he will be worth purchasing if you are a fan of the character.
Both look good... but of course these prices are retarded.
I agree the price is high but I will pay it for Cloud, don't know about the rest of the team.
I'd like to know where the hell the rest of the AC line went... they pulled this **** twice already with leaving the line incomplete. We got Sephiroth coming, but that's it.
Both look good... but of course these prices are retarded.
shfiguarts charges $50+ for their figures now and those have inaccurate heights and sometimes come with shady paint aps (dbz) this figure is a little on the pricey side but its 10+ inches and comes with decent paint application and sculpt
shfiguarts charges $50+ for their figures now and those have inaccurate heights and sometimes come with shady paint aps (dbz) this figure is a little on the pricey side but its 10+ inches and comes with decent paint application and sculpt