Almost all PAK figures have universal QC issues though. It seems like getting a perfect one is based entirely on luck. They often have terrible weak wrist joints and usually do not come with replacements for them either. My Squall from the Dissidia lineup easily broke his wrist and that screwed over any hopes for posing him from there on. Many suffer from loose or misplaced joints, poor paint applications, broken pieces, etc... My friend got a Lightning new and when he opened the box and got her out, her arm broke off. The franchise just has awful quality control. Even the more widely praised ones like Cyborg Ninja or Solid Snake have more than their fair share of QC issues with many people breaking Cyborg Ninja's arm as well as Solid Snake's gun usually coming twisted/bent.
Plus the inconsistent scale means most figures, even if they are from the same franchise, cannot be posed together. The final nail to the coffin though is the prices in relation to the accessories. For being so expensive, these figures almost never come with any real accessories. Usually you get a single swap out hand and then a weapon or two. It's pretty frustrating.
I'm not saying these figures do not look good when on display (they don't by the way; only a small handful of them do

), but that they are plagued with so many problems I cannot recommend people just blindly buying PAK ever. If you must have one, find one locally, inspect it in the package to see if there are any issues, and then maybe pick it up.