Hope we get Mass Effect, Dead Space and Infamous too!
Damn man, Mass effect would be perfect by Play Arts.
There is a 1/6 Commander Shepard statue in the works though by kotobukiya (I think!) So that's awesome.
Hope we get Mass Effect, Dead Space and Infamous too!
Kotobukiya will 100% get her likeness wrongThere is a 1/6 Commander Shepard statue in the works though by kotobukiya (I think!) So that's awesome.
Kotobukiya will 100% get her likeness wrong
ive herd about QC issue the most from the Halo series, i wonder why?
the only Play Arts i got was Sneaking Suit big boss and the only problem i got with him is the little elbo bits are slightly loose. but your right for $50 buck you deserve better.
if you sell him on the bay but till want one i recomend the official square enix store, that way if there is a prblem theyll swap you for a new one
ArmoredFoe awesome shots.
The Gabranth figure looks very good, I'm seriously thinking of getting that one. I hope they will sell stands like those for these figures, I was searching on ebay, and I haven't found anything like those stands for Play Arts Kai figures.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not My post was a joke. I figured Koto will use the default male Shepherd for the sculptPretty certain it's gonna be the Male Shepard, not the female version.
I didnt know they did a karas, I love the look of those characters. Really nice. Yeah as stated, I'll open Gabranth this weekend.
I didnt know they did a karas, I love the look of those characters. Really nice. Yeah as stated, I'll open Gabranth this weekend.
Well I finally got a chance to mess with Judge Gabranth and all I can say is wow. Hes a great figure and blows that Halo Reach Carter figure out the water. I guess he was just a dud. Gabranth really is awesome, the articulation is great, joints are nice and snug, his weapons are great looking his sculpt is great looking. Nothing but win on this figure for real. Pics coming soon (when I get a chance).