Super Freak
Any idea for release dates?
Well I finally got a chance to mess with Judge Gabranth and all I can say is wow. Hes a great figure and blows that Halo Reach Carter figure out the water. I guess he was just a dud. Gabranth really is awesome, the articulation is great, joints are nice and snug, his weapons are great looking his sculpt is great looking. Nothing but win on this figure for real. Pics coming soon (when I get a chance).
Nice pics.
How much bigger is he than their previous non-Kai version? I've heard they downsized their Dissidia Kai line back to almost normal PA size.
Yeah I wouldn't pay retail either... always wait for a good deal.
Thanks. There almost the same size the Kai version looks to be bigger by a tiny bit.. The Kai version definetly has more detail in the armor as well.