Preach man, i'd be upset if they did an iron man.
I'm sure they will, but at least PAK doesn't cater to once license.
Preach man, i'd be upset if they did an iron man.
I'm sure they will, but at least PAK doesn't cater to once license.
I honestly don't think there going to do one anytime soon while the hype is up otherwise they would have previewed it already. We haven't even seen a painted a painted liquid
I'll buy that, but I think them getting into Iron Man is inevitable. But as I said, will all their licenses, they won't up and stop production on all of them just for Iron Man like Hot Toys.
Liquid being painted has to be any time now, Raiden was show weeks and weeks ago.
Ugh, like squall, what's up with the chicken legs for warrior of light?
Raiden hasn't gone up for pre-order yet either, at least not in to UK. The FFVII ones have though
I don't think they look bad. At least the joints look well hidden.
They seem to be gettting alot better at hiding the joints. I hope they use have the click place joints aswell, they seem to hold the limbs better
Don't they already have those? I own a ton of PAK but since I don't pose them regularly I don't remember off the top of my head.
I do know that the legs are click joints, even the hips.
They only started doing it on the newer ones like Solidus and Raiden. Snake, Grey Fox etc don't have click leg joints and none of the FF Play Arts do, well none that i've had anyway
I'm pretty sure all recent releases of PAK have click joints in the legs. Although I think Chun Li's hips are on ball joints.
Go look at Snakes hip joints and Ninja man they are ball joints i promise. I had to coat Snakes left leg hip joint because it was loose
My Ryu, Akuma, Chun-li are ball sockets
I'm pretty sure the first one i noticed was Solidus. Even Meryl has ball sockets
Now that I'm thinking about it you're right. I think all should have the click joint.
I still need to get Ryu and Akuma, I got Cammy and Chun Li already.
There good figures apart from my Akuma has a totally different coloured face to body
I need to repaint it really, thought about doing just a lighter dry brush coat over the top so i don't mess it up too bad
If anyone knows a good way to do please enlighten me i'm happy to try. I'm going to do it on the spare head first as practice
I figured as much with the paint difference. It sometimes feels very common among PAK. With the two White Raidens I had before I sold one, one had a very clean looking face and the other looks more "dirty." I guess it's the luck of the draw with something so heavily mass produced.
The first White Raiden i got was dirty faced too, really bad actually the black paint on his eye had been smudged so i sent it back. The new ones better but it isn't clean, nowhere near actually