In "Jedi Crash," the CW episode where Bly is introduced, he's shown to have a yellow tatoo on each cheek. Looking back at the preview it looks like SSC remembered to include them. Nice.
In "Jedi Crash," the CW episode where Bly is introduced, he's shown to have a yellow tatoo on each cheek. Looking back at the preview it looks like SSC remembered to include them. Nice.
For me, it's more of the fact that over the past year they've released 8 "clones" (none of which were OT btw).
During that same time, we've gotten 2 Gammy Guards, Hammerhead and a Yoda.
I'm that he's finally come to the line, but I think the colour is not exactly right! IMO it should be a brighter yellow! What do you think?
Isn't that what everyone said with Rex?!?!
Also, you still have Neyo and Bacara left from the "In Development" list.
Come on SS give us something else than another clone... Why can't they announce more differend kinds of figures...
At least let the next Star Wars pre-order be the droids/stormtrooper PF![]()
There was Lando, the Emperor, and Greedo too.
We were warned well in advance by Sideshow that when the armored figures hit...there would be a lot of them.
Should have clairified , I meant just the standard clone repaints , not the comamnders or specialized troops. Bacara and Neyo are standard repiants they have special helmets and are commanders.
It seems that SS brings out certain types in spurts: humans, armored, aliens. But I think at this point they can start staggering them better and release them in cycles, i.e. one month release a clone, next month an alien and the next a human. Then start again.
But this figure looks amazing! Even though I don't collect clones, it's still exciting to see what Sideshow comes up with. I wonder what other accessories it comes with!
I've seen this figure in person, and it looks great! I didn't paint this one, but I did recently paint match a new visor for the Ep II helmet because they changed the way it attached to the helmet. The visor on the Ep II helmet is the only part I did paint. Not sure who did the rest, but it looks awesome. I'll be buying it for sure.
I am wondering, will Sideshow release a 327th trooper after Bly?
These guys are virtually the same only difference is Bly having an extra eye-piece on his helmet.
They can also leave the paint off the thigh armor as the troops do not have it. And some of the troops have the pauldron backwards compared to Bly. So those changes can make for a reasonably unique variation...maybe for Comic Con?
Bly is a badass... I couldn't remember if they showed him in ROTS, but i found pictures of him murdering Aayla Secura.