Let me guess. This one will be gold plated.
Yeah, Sideshow will get this one right. I'll be keeping my eyes on this one.
Let me guess. This one will be gold plated.
Is it really bigger than this?
Isn't this a bit small, it comes up to his knee...
Here's a pic of me next to the Ark from the film. It's the exact same Ark as seen in the photo above of the German carrying it. I'm 5'10" and you can see it's not that tall. I think SS did make it just a bit too big.
UPDATE: SSC ARE WORKING ON A 1:4 SCALE ARK OF THE COVENANT! They just said so in the presentation video up know. No pictures or anything BUT DOOM BRIDGE DIORAMA IN PROGRESS!
I don't want the 1/4 scale ark to be correct. I want the 1/6 ark to be correct.
They both should be friggin correct.
How big would a 1:4 scale ark be exactly? Preferably also in metric for us Europeans. I think it would be mostly the size that will keep me from ordering that than the prize.
I don't want the 1/4 scale ark to be correct. I want the 1/6 ark to be correct.
I still have not received mine. Are they shipping in waves?
Apparently I also haven't received any notification yet.
Oh, OK, Good...Well, bad actually, but I thought something was wrong with my order.
I can wait a little longer so it goes on my next CC statement.
Probably people are getting restless and want to get rid of them. Although I wouldn't say that most people necessarily spent $80 + $10 to get it, since it was possible at the end to get the figures on clearance and still apply for the ark.