Thank you for your thoughts. I have given definite thought to the staying power, or longevity, of each piece in retaining their respective sale prices. My personal feeling is the Classic Spider-Man will likely always have the higher value due to the fan base and much greater rarity of the piece. I suspect I could pick up a Tychus down the road for the going rate, if not lower, but the Spider-Man will remain expensive and much more difficult to track down.
The other member and I were unable to work out a deal, but we both felt my asking price was a fair one.
Which spidey? black and red retro OR blue and red. Hands down if you own a black and red retro, KEEP IT! as much as I adore the Tychuss piece, the spidey, for me is MY holy Grail!
As, for the Tychuss piece it has sold @ 1500 approx. and generally, 800-1000 is about right for the cost of it. However, some individuals who were lucky, including myself paid retail on ebay w/ s$h.That being said I would gladly pay up to 1100 for it.