It's not the little messups of an eyebrow being uneven on 1 out of 1000 or anything like that, it's the mishaps that effect the entire production line that concern people, like Anakin's lips, which given a good line of perfect lip tones in other figures, is clearly a flop that occurred to late for QC to do anything and has nothing to do with the talents or anything of the paints, but rather someone just grabbed the wrong shade or something and it was used throughout the entire run. However, at the same time, you get figures like T-1000 which, other than some getting figures with a red-eye look, has a splending paint job from skin to ahir and is one of the most realistic and amazing figures from Sideshow of late, as far as paint goes. Sometimes accidents happy like with Anakin, and the only way to truly avoid those would be to heavily baby sit the production to halt the line the second something is consistenly coming out off.