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Re: Rogue

at those angles, and that lighting...

your statues actually look decent.


I doubt they'd even subsidize LOYAL LONG-TERM CUSTOMERS for a paint job to correct these hideous flaws.

Its a lesson learned, I bought 2 statues today that were cheaper than Rogue, released years ago by SSC, and well worth the money [NOT FROM SIDESHOWS WEBSITE]. I dont blaim the factory at all, SSC is just cutting costs and trading off their integrity. They can "race towards the bottom" it will eventually bite them in the a$$.

If unemployment is so high in the US right now, why does the marketing goof that wrote that statement still have a job? Thats an insult to everyone that dished out $300 of their hard earned money on this piece of crap.

The answer is simple, this thread has been going nonstop, full of anger, frustration, regret, but yet half are folks saying it's "good enough" for their collection. Collectors want to settle for mediocrity, but want to also ask why the "QC is going downhill".

You cannot complain, keep the piece and wonder why SS is going down the drain. If the previous sentence describes YOU, then YOU share the blame in this mess.
The folks NOT complaining (but admit it's not exactly what they want) are just as much to blame as the factory that painted these things. You help to lower the bar whether you realize it or not.

Someone over at SF said it perfectly. If you paid $60k for a brand new BMW and then got it home and found a massive gouge in the leather of the back seat, you wouldn't go, "Meh, I can live with it"
If you went to the movies and halfway thru the reel stopped and the lights came on, you wouldn't stand for that either! Why does our favorite collectibles company get a golden pass when it comes to being held to a standard of quality?
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Re: Rogue

I actually got my statue on Thursday 9/29 but didn't take the time to even open it up until today. I started reading the forum yesterday and continued today BEFORE opening her up. I'll admit after all the bad press, pictures etc. I was nervous....

After I opened her up my immediate response was: "Looks good to me! I got lucky." Then I kept looking and realized it wasn't perfect. However, it isn't NEARLY as bad as people are making it out to be in my opinion. And from all the other pictures I can say mine isn't some special, extra good one. It is very similar to others when examined from 6 inches away or using a camera taking a picture 3 inches away.

But from even a very close distance I think the flaws are minor. A tiny bit of paint crossover at the bandana or a tiny bit of white missing from the corner of the eye, mascara line isn't perfect, etc. Things that are hard to see from even 1 foot away. These are hand painted and I really think people are being too critical. It's like most things in life, we rarely get perfection and if we do, it costs A LOT. If the time was taken to get perfection on these statues or the people hired that could even provide this perfection, these statues would be a whole lot more expensive and I am not talking 400 instead of 300.

All this being said. The one flaw that is more noticeable from a distance the wonky eye, especially on the regular head. The left eye looks too far left. The pictures people are taking make it look even worse because you often times don't see the left side of her face as much in the pictures which makes the white left of her left eye look even smaller than it is.

Last BUTT not least. The butt is obviously different but not a big deal at all. It still looks great and probably more realistic in my opinion. You could argue it looks less white trash.

Bottom line, I think it is an excellent statue and with the exception of the wonky eye, I see no reason to return it. I'm sure I won't return mine because of the eye because I think they all share this problem at least to some degree. I think everyone is being too hard on it and everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. From as little as 1 foot away I think she looks fantastic. Even the wonky eye isn't all that bothersome when you back away from it. If you weren't specifically looking for it I doubt anyone would even notice it. We all know these statues often have this eye problem so we focus on it.
Re: Rogue

Got mine today. Butt crack more appealing? Of course. But the butt wasn't reduced, it was filled in. The body as a whole still looks good in person. She's still curvy. The head isn't too big either. Somehow in photos it looks bigger then the torso, which isn't really the case, she just has a lot of hair. From a distance it all looks great.

Until you go in and see this heffa is cockeyed with bad hair. It's like you see an attractive girl from afar, you make a move, she turns around and "DAMN"! Bad surprise in the face!



One eyeball is more up than the other.

As you can see, the irisis on my EX aren't even all on the sclera. They're rolled up onto the eyelid. It's like as she looked up they peeled away. But this whole head is quite raggedy.

Reg Head
Cockeyed and raggedy hair.


With the brown at the thop of the white streak, missing spots where it mixes back into the brown. I get the intended effect with the white coming back out, but it's painted very raggedy.

I like the body so I would like to keep this, but something has to be done about both of these badly done heads. Then this would be a great peice and I can display her with Gambit and Wolverine.

Question: was the response from SS an email response or is that on the web somewhere? I'm sending SS my pics now.
Re: Rogue

The answer is simple, this thread has been going nonstop, full of anger, frustration, regret, but yet half are folks saying it's "good enough" for their collection. Collectors want to settle for mediocrity, but want to also ask why the "QC is going downhill".

You cannot complain, keep the piece and wonder why SS is going down the drain. If the previous sentence describes YOU, then YOU share the blame in this mess.
The folks NOT complaining (but admit it's not exactly what they want) are just as much to blame as the factory that painted these things. You help to lower the bar whether you realize it or not.

Someone over at SF said it perfectly. If you paid $60k for a brand new BMW and then got it home and found a massive gouge in the leather of the back seat, you wouldn't go, "Meh, I can live with it"
If you went to the movies and halfway thru the reel stopped and the lights came on, you wouldn't stand for that either! Why does our favorite collectibles company get a golden pass when it comes to being held to a standard of quality?

Devils advocate here, but the difference is this: you can take the BMW back and KNOW there is a perfect one in the lot to replace it.. but there is NO perfect Rogue waiting at the SS warehouse and its unlikely there will be. So the only options are Bad Rogue or NO Rogue, and some people would prefer to have a Rogue.. so its settle, or have nothing. And no, a partial refund of 30 bucks doesn't count.
Re: Rogue

Devils advocate here, but the difference is this: you can take the BMW back and KNOW there is a perfect one in the lot to replace it.. but there is NO perfect Rogue waiting at the SS warehouse and its unlikely there will be. So the only options are Bad Rogue or NO Rogue, and some people would prefer to have a Rogue.. so its settle, or have nothing. And no, a partial refund of 30 bucks doesn't count.

Maybe not the best analogy, but it does still make the point that some folks are "settling"

Listen, I have no problem is someone thinks it looks amazing, good for them, whats frustrating are those that admit its flaw ridden, not that great, but want to be passive aggressive about trying to fix the real problem.
Trust me, I REALLY want to love this piece, I keep looking at it trying to justify it, but the paint is garbage. I can't do $300 for subpar.
Re: Rogue

I actually got my statue on Thursday 9/29 but didn't take the time to even open it up until today. I started reading the forum yesterday and continued today BEFORE opening her up. I'll admit after all the bad press, pictures etc. I was nervous....

After I opened her up my immediate response was: "Looks good to me! I got lucky." Then I kept looking and realized it wasn't perfect. However, it isn't NEARLY as bad as people are making it out to be in my opinion. And from all the other pictures I can say mine isn't some special, extra good one. It is very similar to others when examined from 6 inches away or using a camera taking a picture 3 inches away.

But from even a very close distance I think the flaws are minor. A tiny bit of paint crossover at the bandana or a tiny bit of white missing from the corner of the eye. Things that are hard to see from even 1 foot away. These are hand painted and really think people are being too critical. It's like most things in life, we rarely get perfection and if we do, it costs A LOT. If the time was taken to get perfection on these statues or the people hired that could even provide this perfection, these statues would be a while lot more expensive and I am not talking 400 instead of 300.

All this being said. The one flaw that is more noticeable from a distance the wonky eye, especially on the regular head. The left eye looks too far left. The pictures people are taking make it look even worse because you often time don't see the left side of her face as much in the pictures which makes the white left of her left eye look even smaller than it is.

Last BUTT not least. The butt is obviously different but not a big deal at all. It still looks great and probably more realistic in my opinion. You could argue it looks less white trash.

Bottom line, I think it is an excellent statue and with the exception of the wonky eye, I wouldn't return it. I think everyone is being too hard on it and everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. From as little as 1 foot away I think she looks fantastic. Even the wonky eye isn't all that bothersome when you back away from it. If you weren't specifically looking for it I doubt anyone would even notice it.

I think this does cost a lot though. It was $300. It's NOT as bad as people claim. The body still looks good. But the heads are not okay.

Yes, they are hand painted, but even though my collection is smaller than most on this board, when I look at my other X-Men PFs, when I look at my Classic Iron Man EX, my Legendary Scale bust EXs, my half completed Turtle Comiquettes, hell even my Bowens, the paint on Rogue's head is the worst paint out of all of them and I paid more for her than all but one statue in my entire collection. The rest of my statues do look like the box sample and official pics. But aside from the head, which is a big deal, I agree the rest of the statue IS up to par.
Re: Rogue

Maybe not the best analogy, but it does still make the point that some folks are "settling"

Listen, I have no problem is someone thinks it looks amazing, good for them, whats frustrating are those that admit its flaw ridden, not that great, but want to be passive aggressive about trying to fix the real problem.

Not many options when you know deep down that absolutely nothing will be done.
Re: Rogue

Not many options when you know deep down that absolutely nothing will be done.

I hear ya.
I'll give them props, I think the sculpt is one of the sexiest sculpts out there, even with the rear end change. And hopefully when they contact me back they will have maybe figured something out about replacements that are painted better, but if not, I can live without her if its what I have now or nothing.
Re: Rogue

The answer is simple, this thread has been going nonstop, full of anger, frustration, regret, but yet half are folks saying it's "good enough" for their collection. Collectors want to settle for mediocrity, but want to also ask why the "QC is going downhill".

You cannot complain, keep the piece and wonder why SS is going down the drain. If the previous sentence describes YOU, then YOU share the blame in this mess.
The folks NOT complaining (but admit it's not exactly what they want) are just as much to blame as the factory that painted these things. You help to lower the bar whether you realize it or not.

Someone over at SF said it perfectly. If you paid $60k for a brand new BMW and then got it home and found a massive gouge in the leather of the back seat, you wouldn't go, "Meh, I can live with it"
If you went to the movies and halfway thru the reel stopped and the lights came on, you wouldn't stand for that either! Why does our favorite collectibles company get a golden pass when it comes to being held to a standard of quality?

The problem is there is no other competition. I could return the BMW and get a Volvo or Mercedes or go to another movie theater. Thats why drives their desire to be the best. SS has no competition, there is no alternative.
Re: Rogue

I know it's not much right now, but Gentle Giant is blowing the doors off Sideshow's quality with the Sucker Punch line. I know its short lived because they can't have a competing 1/4 and 1/5 Marvel line, but it shows collectors what quality should be.
