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Re: Rogue

A couple pictures of her. There was brown paint on the white parts of the hair and I was able to get that off. But the face is still an issue for me. Especially the eyes and the eye shadow. Overall the rest of the sculpt is good with a few spots of green showing through the yellow; but you can't really see it unless you're really close (about a foot away). I'm hoping to get a replacement head of least, just waiting on them to call me back. Although I'm thinking I may be better off emailing them.









Re: Rogue

Diggin' that orange back drop!

Plus her eyes don't look so googly.


Thank you. I thougt it might of not worked for the office but it went suprisingly well with the large amount of dark wood in the room.

Overall I like it but maybe I'm being overly picky about the statue. The eye shadow bugs me the most as well as the space between the hair and her shoulders doesnt allow for the jacket to fit well and leaves a small gap at the bottom of the neck
Re: Rogue

I'm going to try to give her a dark wash on her hair, it's just to brown by the stock colors. I know I was trying to match the prototype paint but I think some depths could help her out a bit with some more details.
Re: Rogue

Got my ex. The ex. head is great. No heavy make-up, hair is painted nicely and the eyes are superb! Reg. head is awful. Small paintchip on nose, white hair painted sloppy and heavy make-up. SSC is lucky that imo the ex. head is the only right way to display her.
Re: Rogue

I'm going to try to give her a dark wash on her hair, it's just to brown by the stock colors. I know I was trying to match the prototype paint but I think some depths could help her out a bit with some more details.

Keep us updated with your work on the figure
Re: Rogue

Got my ex. The ex. head is great. No heavy make-up, hair is painted nicely and the eyes are superb! Reg. head is awful. Small paintchip on nose, white hair painted sloppy and heavy make-up. SSC is lucky that imo the ex. head is the only right way to display her.

Don't let SSC off the hook Captain. Ask for a replacement head. You may want to sell her one day. Even if you don't, by not asking for a replacement, you are telling them this kind of QC is acceptable. It's not.
Re: Rogue

With all the problems with this statue I don't understand why sideshow has not checked them all before being shipped and got them repainted. Very unprofessional, sounds like they don't care and just ship them out and hope most people will just keep it. Mine arrives this week and if it looks ____ I will be sending it back
Re: Rogue

Got some WIPS, you guys wanna see and I SWEAR there's lots more details like skin tone, lips, etc... freaking lights in the basement are washing out my crappy pics! :cuss
Re: Rogue

I can't argue against this point either...:dunno

I guess I'm saying, I think that we would both agree that we'll see a brown suited Wolvie' at some point. As we have seen. Sideshow is going to milk the cow for all it's worth. I'm just saying what better way to introduce another Wolverine PF to the market than suiting him up in the brown outfit adorn atop the red "X" base. This to me would almost make him too irresistible to pass up. Hitting the Wolvie' and/or the X-Men team completest at the same time.

This is so funny it got brought up. I was thinking the same thing, brown wolverine on the x-base. Then i thought what about the cyclops???:dunno Sucks!!:slap