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Re: Rogue

:lol Its tongue in cheek...Actually lying isn't my best asset, brother..always thought it'd be a disservice to lie to a fellow collector about how "nice" his piece looks when its actually abominable..People appreciate honesty & constructive criticism way more than blatant lies & lame attempts at political correctness.:lecture :duff . The rest of the collection is quite beautiful :clap But the Beast has got to go :monkey4

No one says you have to lie and everyone is entitled to their opinion. People can handle honesty & constructive criticism if done in an artful way.

Anyway, I stand by my post.
Re: Rogue

I think it does look nice.. I've seen worse.. In fact this whole thread is abominable.. I dont even know why you would consider that.






Re: Rogue

wots wrong with beast?

Just doesn't match the rest of your pieces in terms of overall quality and aesthetics..looks out of place..very amateurish effort..sticks out like a sore thumb :dunno just my subjective opinion of course

No one says you have to lie and everyone is entitled to their opinion. But it can be handled in more artful ways.

Anyway, I stand by my post.

I feel ya homie, sometimes I tend to get melodramatic when expressing disapproval :yuck :lol
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Re: Rogue

I think beasts teeth needs some stain yellow. It's a little too white or clean. I know if u tone it down a little, it would look better. Maybe the finger & toe nails too :eek:
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Re: Rogue

I think beasts teeth needs some stain yellow. It's a little too white or clean. I know if u tone it down a little, it would look better. Maybe the finger & toe nails too :eek:

:exactly: I agree, its too clean, you should dirty the teeth and nails.
Re: Rogue

I think beasts teeth needs some stain yellow. It's a little too white or clean. I know if u tone it down a little, it would look better. Maybe the finger & toe nails too :eek:

:goodpost: That at least would be a step in the right direction :ogat
Re: Rogue

Hey Ski, your repaint looks so good so far. Can't wait to see it finished.

Great line up there sebastian. I like the beast.
Re: Rogue


Does anyone know, what are the two tone colors here? Is it red on black or red on gray? Because her gloves are gray.

Well going off the color around the "X" it's black for the second color. But I see how it could be gray as well because of the gloves...:dunno
Re: Rogue


Does anyone know, what are the two tone colors here? Is it red on black or red on gray? Because her gloves are gray.

This is a recolor that's been floating around the net. It's the 90s outfit recolored with the X-Treme X-Men team colors. Hence the long hair on the recolor. She had short hair, no headband and wore shades in the actual red X-Treme outfit. But the 2nd color has been black, blue or grey depending on the colorist.



and just because...

My Little Roguey
Re: Rogue


Does anyone know, what are the two tone colors here? Is it red on black or red on gray? Because her gloves are gray.

It's black. It's a limitation of the coloring process involved in comics. You can't just color something completely in black, otherwise it ends up looking flat and has no detail in it because the linework is also black. The way around that is to color the highlights a different color. Some people do that with blue, some people with gray.

A little trivia on this subject for you: The Fantastic Four's original costumes were meant to be black, but because of this limitation and the coloring process at the time, so much blue was used that everyone just sort of assumed that their costumes were blue and it stuck.
Re: Rogue

I just want to see what you've done with the eyes when you're done.

Yea that is a make or break with LOTS of sculpts, you can either damage the whole deal or set it on FIRE!!! Dealing with 1/6 heads all the time I definitely know the importance. It will be perfect before I show it! :lecture :D

I hope I have time tonight! :pray: