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Re: Rogue

My regular just arrived and I am scared to open it, knowing what is probably waiting inside of it. I think I'll open Brock first. Maybe he'll be so awesome that I won't care that Rogue will most likely be geting returned. :(
Re: Rogue

Well here is her head. I think it looks pretty good. At least she isn't cross-eyed.:dunno

Re: Rogue

Here's a closer, maybe better picture of her. The eyeshadow isn't perfect, but the lipstick is fine, the hair doesn't have the brown rub on the white and the eyes are looking in the right direction. The body/base/jacket don't really have any problems. The pictures were also taken from about an inch away. I couldn't tell the eyeshadow wasn't perfect without looking in the camera screen.


Re: Rogue

Lips look great on that Rogue, Shadowscythe85!

Yeah, the eyeshadow is really the only problem, and even its not that big of a deal. There isn't any brown paint rub on the white hair and her eyes actually match the proto pretty well, although I might look into a little bit of extra touching up "wink wink nudge nudge":D
Re: Rogue

I really don't understand why they made the art box eyes looking to her left while these are straight on with the reg head.