My only major beef with this figure is the timing of the preorder. At this point, the next SW preorder I want to see had better be one of two figures: General Grievous or Ultimate Vader (retweaked). These have been dangled in front of us for quite awhile, and my patience is starting to wear thin. General Yoda is a nice figure, great idea, love all the goodies, will be happy to have him - but level of anticipation for this figure was not at the level that it has been for those other two. I was not thinking "OMG, will SSC just hurry up and put the preorder up for Master Yoda, already? What is the holdup??" So, as it was, the announcement felt anticlimactic. I feel most SSC Star Wars announcements will feel that way (unless we are talking something that people have been clamoring about for years, like the droids, Chewbacca, or even the biker scout, Dooku, or Tarkin) until they make the preorder for at least one of these figures a reality. Ultimate Vader and Grievous feel like grail figures for me, one representing the OT era, the other from the PT/Clone Wars era. They are a big deal, and SSC has publicly announced their development. Once we get at least one of them moving ahead in a tangible sort of way, then I can be excited for Master Yoda. Heck bring on more Jedi like Luminara Unduli, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti. Bring on the rest of the ESB bounty hunters. Bring on more clones and more battle droids. But let's get at least one of the big boys out of the way first.