SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

that was time to cancel.....;)
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

totally forgot about this. got on the waitlist. I'm sure it will convert.

Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

No, they arent. The Emperor is a HUGE icon. I think 1983 will be the LOWEST edition size possible for him.

Actually, I think that'd be the highest possible ES for the Exclusive.
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

I got the confirmation email before the page changed to a completed order. I thought that was strange.

I couldn't get signed in to my email to check while the page was loading. Didn't want to take the chance of messing it up. But I finally did at like 25 minutes and found the confirmation email had hit me at :05 and said the order was placed at :02.

All that stressing for nothing.
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

shock-did u get one?????
wow man i nearly had a heart attack,lol!!!
made me wait 24 mins for confo email :)