I think Sideshow should re-examine their approach to these lines, as great as an all encompassing DC line would be maybe it would be better to do short runs focusing on different characters like a Bat-family line followed by a Superman line, a Justice League line to cover those without a popular supporting cast etc....
For example this Bat line is already off to a good start with the newly released Batman and the upcoming Joker. A decent amount of supporting characters that I think would sell well would be:
-Poison Ivy
-Mr Freeze
-Commissioner Gordon
-Bruce Wayne/Alfred 2 Pack
Superman’s Line could have:
-Clark Kent/Lois Lane 2 Pack
-Lex Luther (biz suit)
-Lex Luther (mech suit)
-Jimmy Olsen (using the smaller Robin base body)
...Darkseid, Doomsday, Croc, Bane and any other larger bodies could be reserved for a deluxe line.
Well that’s just what I think could be cool anyways.
C,mon give us a Penguin, Mr Freeze, and a Mad Hatter. Batman’s rogues gallery is rife with potentially outstanding figures. I love Joker as much as anyone but he’s being over utilized as a money grab.
Truly unbelievable to me that nobody wants to commit to a dedicated Batman 1/6 line.
If Sideshow has the license why are they seemingly uninterested in making figures?
I’ve been wondering this too. After what, 5-6 Batflecks? The interest in Batman or “Batmen” is apparent.
I really don’t suspect it’s not that easy either, though. Wasn’t it stated by Mez or whatever his name is who runs Mezco how much of a pain it was to get the individual license for Robin?
They may be interested, but the license doesn't necessarily permit them to do any Batman character they want at any time. Everything has to do through the licensor.Truly unbelievable to me that nobody wants to commit to a dedicated Batman 1/6 line.
If Sideshow has the license why are they seemingly uninterested in making figures?
They may be interested, but the license doesn't necessarily permit them to do any Batman character they want at any time. Everything has to do through the licensor.
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I'm really surprised this thread kinda died out, this is a pretty awesome figure even if he is barebones. I imagine you can flesh him out a bit more by snagging some of the previous SS Batman's accessories. I cant wait to have the Joker to pose next to this guy, hopefully he comes out just as good!
I guess that many people didn’t get it. Besides, not even Michael Crawford reviewed him, to my surprise, when he reviewed that crapload (sorry, personal opinion here!) of plastic that is Mondo Batman.