It’d be ok if they included more than just 2 accessories
When SS will make Batman that do not looks like an old man?
It’d be ok if they included more than just 2 accessories
I was interested in it in the initial reveal. Now, I am not sure.
Next to no accessories and the random headsculpt of generic person supposed to be Bruce Wayne is ugly; that is holding me back.
I like the masked sculpt. A lot better than the past 2 figures at least.
I dont know; I have 2 of the first one and I am thinking of just getting the masked head and rest of the blue outfit parts and put it on one of the old ones I have.
In this climate, I'd be ok if it was $125. Anything more for a barebones figure in a wetsuit and crappy cape of Sideshow quality is insane. I mean, let's be 100% honest - it practically has NO accessories. Those two batarangs cost absolutely nothing to produce.
I actually wanted to buy it when I first saw SDCC pics because it's a good base for a custom classic Batman. Alas...
I really don't understand why so many compare the costs to Hot Toys. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe that Sideshow figures quality is on par, and therefore should be on par with price. But the fact is that everything (other than final factory production) that SSC does is done in-house in California. If anyone really believes that HT is staffing costs/salaries, as well as overhead expenses, are anywhere near the same as SSC, then they really don't know much about global business. That alone is a huge reason for the cost differences between SSC and other companies (HT, Enterbay, etc.). And I don't believe for a second that factories in China give the same or better prices/production to US companies as they do to Chinese companies. There was a time when it was super-important for Chinese factories to impress American or European companies, but not today. Today they are more focused on creating products for their own market.
But back to the figure. Like everyone, I'm disappointed in the bare-bonesness of the figure. If it's a classic Batman, then it would make sense that there is no grapnel gun (I'm pretty sure that he only started having that mid-late eighties). But at this pricepoint, more accessories is a must. Costume should be fine (I still think that overall, SSC makes better capes than HT). It's just too bad that Batman is such a hot seller (for DC/WB in general) that there is so much attention to Batman. Probably going to have to wait for sale prices on this one...
the fact is that everything that SSC does is done in-house in California.
A SS figure that costs the same as a HT figure is mostly due to the costs of the business.
Doesn't look like any classic version of Batman and doesn't look like any drawing of Bruce Wayne.
Good job Sideshow. Good job.
This is a market. If you don't have a monopoly on it you better compete or GTFO.
Sideshow's prices on statues and figures are insane considering the inferior quality and ****ty QC.
The only reason why they do it is because people are dumb enough to pay them.