I think part of the problem is the mindset that that the original 1/4 Com has now been classified as a PF as has all of the other Spiderman Villians that have come with it. So in SSCs minds there is a Spiderman (3 outfits), Venom, Carnage, Rhino, and Green Goblin PF out there already, all released in the last 5 or 6 years. So WHY restart the 1/4 line. I use to think they would, but the new J Scott Line, and a statement from SSC saying that they would continue the 1/4 line, has given me pause. Ow ever, in the end. Don't think it would matter to much. With a the price of a standard PF creeping up on $400, and the big guns at $400+, I just don't know how long I will be able to justify the buys I make. Especially if I have all my favs already. I have no intention of being a Pokimon Trainer....lol.