Embedded wings only work with the helmeted look.
I didn't mind it in Ultimate design because for an all out edgy comic series it was an ok design overall.
Cap is my favorite Marvel hero but I'm not too excited about this figure. After the ultra-realism of the Hot Toys movie versions this one looks rather dull and toylike. The flat paint treatment on the shield looks like something Mattel would produce. Also, not a fan of their cartoon-like face sculpts. Hopefully the final version looks more complex and realistic. Otherwise this is going to come out like a $250 action figure from Toy Biz.
Cap is also my favorite Marvel hero. But there's no chance I'll buy this, or any other 1:6 Marvel figure Sideshow produces. Some of their design decisions make zero sense to me; like Mezco, they try to reinvent something that doesn't need it. Just produce comic-accurate costumes, and I'd buy most of them. As it is, though, $250 is waaaay overpriced for the crap they put out.
It's no longer going up for pre-order today. I just noticed that they changed the date to the 19th. Disappointing, because I was really looking forward to seeing more of the figure and ordering the exclusive, if they release one.
WOW so they will offer both , has this been confirmed ?
So if the offer a different additional head Sculpt but only separately ? So it will be like the Hoth Han all over again ( Blue coat v's Brown Coat ) that's a shame if that is the case, as I wont be purchasing two for a different head sculpt.
real shame it didn't go up today , I am very much looking forward to this one, and was hoping to see some further pics.
For those hoping the exclusive will have an extra head sculpt I wouldn't get too excited. I think that big of an accessory would really hurt sales of the standard edition. Plus, look at their history with exclusives, they have not offered an extra head in this line if I'm not mistaken. I highly doubt they will make Cap the first. I don't even think they have announced that there will even be an exclusive for this figure so there's that also.
As for the possibility of an additional headsculpt, we did get an unmasked Wolverine and the new Batman that is coming out has an unmasked headsculpt so it is possible. Honestly the only other thing I could see being added as an exclusive for cap would be the classic first appearance shield, but I feel like that really wouldn't go with the rest of the figure.
The full reveal is disappointing. Not a good expression for the head sculpt, cheap looking scale chain mail suit, small body, weak exclusive, and the stupid price. I was looking forward to this too....siiiigh.
So far I have all the SS Marvel figures except for Deadpool (I seem to be the only comicbook fan who doesn't like that character) I was debating on whether to throw the towel in on them and sell them off but figured I'd wait to see what SDCC offered. Cap for the most part looks pretty good but in all honesty Sideshow NEEDS to create a base body with more superhuman proportions, I shouldn't have to pose these figures in ways where their emaciated frames aren't so obvious. I upgraded Thor to a Phicen M35 body and he looks great but I don't want to have to upgrade the bodies on all these figures. Now here comes Cap looking like a pre-super soldier serum Steve Rodgers. I dunno......