SSC Duke 12 inch figure

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There is a BIN for 140.00 (shipped) for an exclusive that did not sell on ebay. I wish I had seen that one.

Contact the seller and see if you can get it. I've done that before and was able to get what I wanted (sometimes for even cheaper than the seller listed). :wink1:
It's funny how people justify to themselves actually paying for an overpriced custom. :dunno

I do not know how you came to the conclusion I was justifying anything. I took the pic because I thought it was funny, I own both and have no problem with the the SS one at all but in my mind the custom is a better Duke both in detail and headsculpt and for sure the paint application.

And it was not overpriced at all.

The picture is up to interpretation, it can be seen also as the custom bowing his head in respect to the SS Duke.

Take a Prozac and chill out.
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I do not know how you came to the conclusion I was justifying anything. I took the pic because I thought it was funny, I own both and have no problem with the the SS one at all but in my mind the custom is a better Duke both in detail and headsculpt and for sure the paint application.

And it was not overpriced at all.

The picture is up to interpretation, it can be seen also as the custom bowing his head in respect to the SS Duke.

Take a Prozac and chill out.

:lol:rotfl:lol:rotfl:lol Kiss it --> :moon
Somebody sounds jealous methinks.

Vader AL, the best thing to do regarding anything Nam says = :ignore: If you're happy with the figure then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

Hardly. If I thought it was worth it, I would've bought it when Ski IM'd me the link to the FS thread (then waited 5 months for it to ship :p). Notice I don't own it. ;)
Duke's one of the best in the line released to date.

I don't think I could point out a single figure as better than the others. GI Joe has been home run after Home Run for Sideshow with every release...and in my opinion, that includes the Sniper and CCC.

But make no mistake...Duke is on the Top Shelf with the rest of them.
Duke would have been a homerun if it weren't for the blockheaded Lego sculpt.

Duke would have been a homerun if it weren't for the blockheaded Lego sculpt.


Well...yeah...I guess. If a person really, truly, has some uncontrollable pathology that makes it crucial for them to find a flaw with each of these figures, I suppose it could be done. Take me, for instance. I have an extreme peeve with the mannequins having loose joints. But as far as the portrait looking like this kubrick...I'm not seeing it. Could you detail it a little? Maybe do a side-by-side with arrows pointing to the similarities.:)