SSC Firefly

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Firefly just hit

<--- :exactly:

Porting him over to better camo. Already disappointed that Sideshow halfassed the sweater. Ain't got no sleeves. So essentially, it's a chick's sleeveless turtleneck. :monkey4:monkey4

Other than that, which is a surprise disappointment, he's looking good so far.
Just got FF. Excellent figure. Had honestly lost interest in him and was thinking about canceling, glad I didnt though. Cammo looks so much better in person. Solid offering from SS, even if its not as classic as we all wanted.

Oh and the exclusive is poopy and cheap. :lecture

What the hell is a Firefly post doing in this thread :rotfl

The IED reminded of something that comes in one of those X mas crackers.

That's like all of Jupiter's moons combined. :lol

So far so good. That's the only disappointment I've uncovered so far. I don't get why they didn't put sleeves on him. With how thin the material is, it wouldn't have bulked him up. Just cheap Peso pinching (doubt both sleeves would've cost a full penny given the Chinese sweatshop the sweater's made in), I guess. Gladly would've paid the extra for a full shirt. :(
"Lightbulb!" Deakism defined as: "WOW! Flosi gives reacharounds!"

Ha, ha, what? :monkey2

My son fell asleep during the trailers.... :lol Still, I enjoyed it and he got in free, so I'm happy enough.

Back to FF: So Nam, everything looks great aside from the sweater?

Man I am scared to take my son to the theater, I don't want to be one of those parents. You know what I mean? Consider yourself lucky man.

Fixed and yes, so far. Even the Pro is nice and tight. :D

Oh my! (Takei voice)