SSC Firefly

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Though I appreciate the support, sadly, my goals aren't the same as your Nam :(

Exactly! A point I clearly understand:
It's okay junior. One day, so long as you keep reaching for your goals, you might just measure up to the fictitious character based on a toy. Hell, you might even find a converted butch lesbo, or semi-effeminate man named Jaye too! :huh
Nah, Firefly isn't a fighter. If he needs to use his guns, then he has failed at his mission. Nobody should know he was doing something until something blows up. What I really like about the figure is that most of his gear is on his backpack, which can slip off very easily. Perfect for blown missions and needing the get the heck out of there ASAP! Seems like Sideshow really thought that through with him. He isn't weighed down with lots of gear like Beachhead, Duke, and Snake Eyes (poor Flint).

Better to have a few extra mags and not need them, then to need them and not have. Three extra just doesn't seem enough.
But if Sideshow is really thinking this through, then why did they give a saboteur M84 Flashbangs? Is he going to do some room clearing? I don't see what use he would have for them.
He shouldv'e come with some bricks of C4 or Semtex.
Man, I don't know what you guys are saying, Lady Jaye was HOT in my books! ;)
i'm driving the bandwagon, baby.:rock

If you ain't first you're last!!!!!
