SSC Firefly

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I am thinking of actually opening my Firefly soon.

Honestly y'all...I am not getting this. I am drooling over every GI Joe release from Sideshow and I am giddy to open every one of them. Including Firefly. But every time I think about opening that figure...I decide to wait...I am not getting it.
I am thinking of actually opening my Firefly soon.

Honestly y'all...I am not getting this. I am drooling over every GI Joe release from Sideshow and I am giddy to open every one of them. Including Firefly. But every time I think about opening that figure...I decide to wait...I am not getting it.


geez... :dunno
I was enthused to get him when he first started to come out, after canceling though, I was less interested in picking one up. After seeing him on sale I got one, and now I can't stop playing with him. He's slowly becoming my favorite SSC Joe (at least until I can open Beachhead).
Only nit I would pick is that he needs more pouches and mags for the MP9.

You should seriously open Firefly now Cruel!
I was enthused to get him when he first started to come out, after canceling though, I was less interested in picking one up. After seeing him on sale I got one, and now I can't stop playing with him. He's slowly becoming my favorite SSC Joe (at least until I can open Beachhead).
Only nit I would pick is that he needs more pouches and mags for the MP9.

Nah, Firefly isn't a fighter. If he needs to use his guns, then he has failed at his mission. Nobody should know he was doing something until something blows up. What I really like about the figure is that most of his gear is on his backpack, which can slip off very easily. Perfect for blown missions and needing the get the heck out of there ASAP! Seems like Sideshow really thought that through with him. He isn't weighed down with lots of gear like Beachhead, Duke, and Snake Eyes (poor Flint).

:lol:rotfl:lol :goodpost:

Being a winner and a leader, I'm sure Flint has become accustomed to the jealous insecurity of others who will never measure up.

It's okay junior. One day, so long as you keep reaching for your goals, you might just measure up to the fictitious character based on a toy. Hell, you might even find a converted butch lesbo, or semi-effeminate man named Jaye too! :huh
so is lady jaye really a butch lesbian? is that why she needs the "lady" in front of her name? so you know that she is a she?

Pretty much. She didn't age well either:
